Saturday, 28 May 2016

Buy This! (I swear this isn't sponsored)

So recently I have been trying to clean up my computer. I have too many useless meme and gifs that I am hoarding because I think that one day I will find the perfect text to use it as a response to. Well in that hoard there are a lot of beauty posts. So my goal is to go through them...... before I delete them.

So today I have one of my favourite blushes EVER. Normally when it comes to makeup I'm not a snob. I don't care if it's drug store or high end, if it performs well, I like it. I never like to judge a brand based on it's price, and I always believe that you can usually find comparable dupes of most high end brands for less.

Now I want you to take what I just said, and throw it out the window. This product is high end, expensive, and if there is a dupe out there I don't ever want it's name spoken on this blog.

This blush is NARS Taj Mahal. I wont lie I bought it because of all the praise I read online about it. Let me tell you, they weren't wrong. Taj Mahal is a burnt orange, shimmery blush, that is super pigmented. And when you put it on you'll look like you have been kissed by the angel Gabriel. The one potential problem with this is like I said it is super pigmented, so you have to have to use it with a delicate touch. That and the packaging has kind of a rubbery finish, so it attracts dirt like crazy.

If you have chocolate skin, you need this. Literally. I cannot stress how pretty this is on our skin. If you have lighter skin, it can still work for you, but you need to be very careful with it so you don't go into Oompa Lompa cheek mode.

If you want to get your hands on this blush it retails for $30/£23.00 and you can find it on websites like Sephora or NARS. And in most department stores that sell higher end makeup.

What are some of your favourite blushes?

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