Sunday 15 December 2013

Nail Polish Canada Holiday Challenge Week 3 - Holiday Memories: Children *facepalm*

So this is going to be VERY quick.  It's my week 3 entry for NPC's Holiday Challenge.  The theme was Holiday memories.  I did these in maybe 20 minutes.  I incorporated 2 memories.

1) All that holiday candy.  When I was really young I took a holiday candy and swallowed it whole.  It ended up getting stuck in my throat and I was too scared to tell anyone, because I thought I would get in trouble.  I remember every time I swallowed I could feel it sitting there.  I eventually told my mother and we waited to see if it would move.  Luckily it did and there was no hospital trip.

2) My index finger is the night sky.  Growing up my mother was a nurse, and she had a choice to work Christmas Eve night or New Years.  She would always work Christmas, so we would wait and open our gifts at night!

And if you like this mani, please head over here and vote for Varnished Valkyrie.


  1. Oh no, I can't imagine how uncomfortable you must have felt with that candy stuck in your throat! ;o
    I love the mani! It's really pretty!

  2. Auch - and of course you were too scared to tell - glad it moved - your mani is sweet in more than one sense :D

  3. Pretty manicure! I like the blue on your accent nail! :-)

  4. i those those were nail strips ate first! your mints are perfect!

  5. Cute candies! :)


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