Tuesday 17 December 2013

Thanks to Rose Wholesale I can now be more like Beyoncé...Minus Jay-Z.

So what you are about to see is our first non polish, but still beauty related post(We've had loads of random nothing to do with beauty posts).  When we started this blog our intent was to be a mostly nail blog, with other beauty stuff too...we just never got around to that...Until now.

A company called Rose Wholesale contacted us to review some of their products.  After having a look at their website, and looking them up online(since this was my first encounter with them) I decided to say yes.  The Best way to describe Rose Wholesale to you guys is it's the Born Pretty of fashion.  Clothing, shoes, jewelry, you name it, they have it for next to nothing.  I will admit the site is a bit overwhelming as they have thousands of items.  Here is the first of three Items I have to show you.

First is this "Chic Style Solid Color Embellished Nail Wrap Shape Alloy Ring For Women", in bronze(also comes in gold and silver).  It was one of those things, you look at it and think "You're so weird...I need you". It reminded me of some crazy claw finger, that someone like Beyoncé would wear.  I was on the fence about getting this because it was one size.  Eventually I figured if it didn't fit I would figure out a way to Macgyver it.  To my excitement whenI tried it on it fit PERFECTLY on my middle finger. You should know 2 things about my fingers.  1)They are skinny 2) They are long.  My middle finger is almost 13cm from knuckle to tip. The ring is 11cm long and did not fit too tight or too loose around my finger.  Even though the ring covered my whole finger I was still able to use and bend it normally and I was in no way worried about breaking it.  I didn't take a photo of it, but I can easily make a fist while wearing it.

 It looks like I killed a snake in battle, and I am now wearing his snake armor as a warning to others.

I kind of love this ring.  No, it may not be an everyday ring, or for everyone, but I can't wait to wear this on a night out *cough*newyears*cough*.  It's bold and fun, and perfect for the skinny, long fingered people out there.  And I can still hold my beer comfortably.  This ring retails for $3.38 USD.  Shipping costs depend on what you are getting and weight.  BUT small items like this generally ship for free :D.  Also shipping usually take a few weeks, but when shipped from far away(China), with normal shipping, a few weeks is normal.

Could you get away with wearing something like this?  Beyoncé could.
*Product sent for honest review


  1. Awesome ring, I love stuff like this! I think I need to go check out the site :)

  2. Not an everyday ring no - but beautiful to look at!

  3. Nice fashion jewelry, their is so much innovation in it. Thanks!

  4. wow this is so awesome! i'm sad its one size though, i have teeny tiny child sized fingers

  5. OMG, armored finger! :-) I love the third photo! :-)

  6. Wow, that ring is definitely a statement piece! Very cool and interesting. :)

    ~ Yun

  7. oooh i have long skinny fingers too! I want to get it in gold now.

  8. I pinned some of these just now- awesome post

  9. It looks amazing! Very nice ring :)


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