Friday 13 December 2013

3D Lego Nails Tutorial: First Tutorial EVER!!!

Minus the infamous 53 coats of polish my Lego nails would have to be my second most popular manicure.  I always wanted to do a tutorial but I never did...until now!  So I'm going to try and make this as quick and painless as possible.  If you would like the quick but painful version, I suggest you get some nipple clamps and wear them while doing this.

So let's start with what you will need:

 - A bottle of polish of whatever colour you want your lego to be.  Along with a corresponding acrylic paint colour.  If you don't have paint just keep using the same polish.
- Circular glitter(any colour).  The ones I used are 2.5mm.
- Nail glue or clear polish.
- A thin topcoat(my SV is watered down).

First paint your nail whatever colour you want your lego to be using nail polish.  This will help anchor down the first piece of glitter and protect your nails from the paint (They STAIN).

Now while the polish is still wet/tacky place between 2 and 6 pieces of glitter, depending on how many bumps you want your Lego to have.

Once those are in place add a TINY bit of nail glue or clear polish on top of each piece of glitter, then carefully stack another piece of glitter on top.  When those are in place repeat this step.  You should have 3 pieces of glitter stacked on top of each other now.

Next, take your paint and using thin coats go over everything.  5a is one sloppy coat, and 5b is after two more.  The second coat for me in the most important.  I focus on around the bumps.  If you don't have paint, go over the glitter in polish, but be careful.  Polish is thicker so your bumps may not be as crisp, so it is very important to use thin coats.  Also it also doesn't give you as much time to play with it as it gets goopy quickly.

Finish off with a couple coats of your thinnest top coat to even everything out, and make it all pretty.  I say thin again so you can keep the bumps crisp.   NOTE: My SV has been watered down with thinner. I do this with old bottles and use them when I want to use SV but don't want the extra weight.  I find it works just as well but isn't thick.

And there you have it 3D Lego nails!!!

NOTE: You can actually tell in this pic that the pinky was done in all polish.  As it's a bit less crisp.

Hope my first tutorial wasn't a huge fail :D


  1. What an awesome tutorial, and a great idea! I don't think I could do this though - I think I'll fail with the stacking of the glitters.

  2. That is a really great tutorial - and loved those Lego nails when you showed them :)

  3. lol, I much prefer the painless version, thanks :D
    This is such an awesome manicure!

  4. great tutorial, i love these nails!

  5. Before your tutorial aired, I attempted the Lego nails. Rather than use discs and superglue, I used small googly eyes. Much easier, cheaper, and less time consuming :-)

  6. Before your tutorial aired, I attempted the Lego nails. Rather than use discs and superglue, I used small googly eyes. Much easier, cheaper, and less time consuming :-)

  7. Great tutorial, and great mani! I love Lego nails, haha. I need to do this soon!

  8. Nice tutorial and yes - great Lego nails! :-)

  9. Great tutorial and awesome manicure! :)


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