Sunday 10 March 2013

Two Illamasqua Rubber Brights!

So it's obviously no secret that I adore Illamasqua.  They are easily one of my favourite brands, so I love when they release something new and interesting.  I loved Kink, the first of their rubber finish polishes I owned, and so when they came out with more colours I used my birthday money to snap up the ones that interested me.

So today I have Nurture and Serenity, two gorgeous shades of green and blue respectively.  I love these so much.  You'll have to forgive the slight lobster hands, I promise it wasn't nearly as apparently IRL, but I had been baking and I guess I was quite hot.

First up is Serenity, which is bright, very bright, blue.  It's almost like the brightest sky of the summer kind of blue.  It was so lovely on and I can see it beint a great nail art base.  This is two easy coats, dry time was longer than normal but not enough that it would bother me.

I thought I took a glossy shot of this but I don't think I did, haha.

Next is Nurture, which is a bright green colour.  This is my favourite of the ones I bought.  I love green.  You may remember the neon green walls of my former bedroom from old swatches... Well, this is pretty close!  Like before, this is two easy coats. 

Did you guys pick up any Illamasqua rubber brights??


  1. Such bright colors!!! Love Serenity! Which also reminds me of Firefly. Lol.

  2. Wow these colours woke me up! I haven't tried this brand yet. How is the formula?

  3. I haven't tried that brand yet. Still balking at the price, but wow, what vivid colors!

  4. Oh my gosh! They are fabulous. I need them in my life.

  5. I have and love all 6 of them, and are wearing a combo of these two as we speak :)

  6. I love the blue one! ^_^

  7. These are the two that I picked up! Serenity was just all right, but Nurture blew me away. Awesome colour!


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