Saturday 9 March 2013

Barry M - Racing Green

First off sorry I haven't been able to post or even comment on anyone else's blogs.  And thank you everyone that posted on my last post.  I'm glad you liked my stamping :) My week has been super busy and so will the next one due to rehearsals and shows.  Also this has nothing to do with my lack of blogging activity but I just got a night guard due to clenching my mouth constantly.  It's yucky.

Anyways I did these nails maybe a month ago and they have been sitting on my laptop since then.  Racing Green is not a true racing green in my opinion.  It's close but not exact.  It's a deep green with fine green and gold shimmer(which I don't think you can see in the photos).  What makes this not a true racing green is that it has blue undertones.  You can kind of see it in the photos.  I used 2 coats for full opacity.

Fun fact:  I took maybe 200 pictures of this.  I was convinced all my pictures were coming out blue.  Turns out none of them really did.  It was either my screen, my bad eyes or a combination of the 2.


  1. Very pretty polish. It looks almost teal.

  2. What a stunning polish on you! All the best with rehearsals.

  3. Looks great on you! Kind of looks like Illamasqua Viridian!

  4. It's a gorgegous green, look at that shimmer :)

  5. this shade is really pretty and looks great on you!

  6. I love how it sparkles on the last photo! :)

  7. Lovely colour! I had to get a bite guard too :( unfortunately I rarely wear it after spending $200 on the damn thing!


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