Wednesday 13 March 2013

Awful Old Photos for Your Enjoyment

I haven't been feeling very inspired lately. While going through some photos today, I thought I would show you guys some past nail arts.  Let us get in our wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey machine for old crappy webcam photos!

Valentine's nails from last year. I used a scrapbooking punch to make the heart. The ring finger is holo, but, webcam. 
 My nails for The Avengers. This is actually the worst picture ever. Left to right: arrow for Hawkeye, Black Widow's belt, stripes for Captain America, Thor's Hammer, Hulk thumbs, Cap again, Iron Man's arc reactor, green and black triangle thing to imitate Loki's costume, and a rainbow holo mess for the bifrost.
 Star Trek nails with insignia, rank stripes and galaxy thumbs! I loved these and want to do them again. Who else is sh*tting themselves over the Into Darkness teasers?
I cut and pasted words from a newspaper to reflect my feelings.
  A standard evening of debauchery with my friend Trish.


  1. Are those vodka gummy bears? Because ... yes.

    1. Vodka gummy bears are indeed how we roll.

  2. i really like there! the news paper one cracks me up lol


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