Friday 15 March 2013

Color Club - Harp On It: Because I don't want to be too flashy.

Again sorry I haven't been posting as I have been super busy!  As I'm writing this it's just past 2am.  I did a show tonight and it went well.  And for the FIRST time ever I forgot a line.  Like not forgot it as in I reworded it slightly, I forgot it.  I had a moment of my mind was blank.  Nothing.  And I had a moment of "Shhhhiiitttttt".   Luckily I managed to cover it up so it's all good!

Anyways I wore this polish for the show tonight because I though up close it looks all fun and flashy but from far away it just looks silver.

Color Clubs Harp on is it your classic silver linear holo.  I used 3 coats even thought I really only needed 2.  Application was fantastic(I used base coat) and it dried fast as ever.  Finished it up with Seche and it still looked great.  This is actually the first time I've worn a linear holo so that's pretty neat eh?

While at this time it's nothing new it is a very affordable, good, strong linear holo polish.  If you don't already have a classic silver holo this is a great place to start!

 Natural light
 This last photo for some reason reminded me of a book cover.  So I had to do this.  You're welcome :)

Would you read my book?

And remember our giveaway closes in less then a week!


  1. LOL the title of this post made me literally laugh out loud. And I agree, this is the perfect polish to start with if you haven't used a holo before. Also, I love that 'book cover' haha it really does look like a book cover. :)

  2. You are such a DORK! I love it though!! This is a gorgeous silver holo but it would stamp awesome over a dark vampy color!

  3. Kas you're hilarious! I would read any book you write!!

  4. Gorgeous! :D Super impressed with Color Club.

  5. That's a seriously cool holo! It looks great.

  6. So pretty! I've heard their new set of holos is even more holo-y; not sure how that could be but am going to find out.

  7. It's gorgeous! I wish Color Club were available in my area :(

  8. Gorgeous holo! :-) It looks like a real book cover! :-) If you ever decide to write a book, please send me the ebook version, I'm sure I'm going to like it! :-)

  9. Woah, the holo is so strong in this one! Gorgeous! :-)

    ~ Yun


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