Friday 25 January 2013

Milani Dude Blue: I don't like your name...

I would like to start by saying I love Milani products.  Next I would like to say I hate this name.  It's like they got some UCLA frat boy named Chad "Chadster" Daniels to name it(No offense UCLA...unless you're a frat boy...any frat boy for that matter.)

DB is a vibrant bright blue.  Although in my personal opinion I wouldn't call it a neon.  Too me it just doesn't seem bright and obnoxious enough.  Like all the other Milani polishes the formula was great and I only needed 2 coats.  My only problem is the bottle is the colour of the polish.  So you can't see how much polish you have left.

I really liked this polish.  It's polishes like these that make me wish I had some more brighter colours.


  1. Very nice blue! :)

  2. I don't like the name either - but OHMG the color....!

  3. Let's forget about the name... :-) Beautiful blue, it looks very good on your nails! :-) It would be a perfect base for some nail art! :-)

  4. gorgeous blue!! but i agree, not a neon

  5. Me being someone who uses DUDE frequently and can have a whole conversation just with the word DUDE as a noun, verb etc I kind of like the name!!!! I've got most people at my job saying Dude a lot as well!

    1. Weeeeellllll so long as you don't say it like you're going out surfing with your bros. I'll let it pass.

  6. We're calling this Chadster Blue now. Very pretty, but ugh about the bottle! I hate not knowing how much I have!

  7. This looks pretty close to China Glaze's Hanging in the Balance. Does the Milani stain really bad too?

  8. I have this and had the same reaction to the name lol. This stained my nails really badly a few times though! But still a good bright blue polish.


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