Saturday 26 January 2013

Butter London Two Fingered Salute: Finally the PERFECT opportunity to use this gif!

So today I have the gorgeous polish for you!  I'm sad that I only wore it for just over a day :(  Don't worry, it had nothing to do with wear time.  It's just that I may be going out tonight and it wouldn't go with my outfit.  And by outfit I mean shorts and a bright pink, shimmery, snake skin patterned bandeau.   I will look smashing and be as classy as a 1947 Château Cheval Blanc that has been opened.

Two Fingered Salute is a dusty seafoam green, filled with coppery pink micro shimmer.  This polish was good for the most part in 2 coats.  Although a 3rd was need on 2 fingers.  I found it didn't self level perfectly but it wasn't so much so that the top couldn't fix it.

Fun fact:  I painted the boys nails with this.  It worked really well with his skin tone.


Proof I can fit Take That into any post. Also this is the first time I have use this gif.  I clearly need to get into more snarky tumblr arguments.


  1. I like that dusty green and it looks good on your nails! :-)

  2. Gorgeous! This is the 4th time I've seen this polish pop up today. Its a sign..I need it!

  3. that pink shimmer in there is so cute!

  4. It is SUCH a gorgeous polish - and it looks great on you!

  5. It looks absolutely fantastic on you! Wow!!

  6. It looks really amazing on you!

  7. Best swatch of this I've seen, it looks completely amazing on you!! Ah jelly!

  8. This is sitting in my untrieds, just calling to me, but I'm trying to let the anticipation build until I just can't take it. And you're making it reeeeally hard! Seriously, there is so much gorgeousness here, and it looks amazing on you. Love, love, love it!!

  9. This is such a gorgeous color! The pink/copper shimmers are to die for! :-)

    ~ Yun


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