Thursday 24 January 2013

Born Pretty Store Glittah! + Happy Belated Blogiversary to Us!

Let me start with a big THANK YOU to all out followers old and new.  It was exactly a year ago(lie: It was a year and 4 days ago) that I decided to start this blog.  And since then it has grown not only in followers but in bloggers.  *starts to cry*  I would also like to say thank you to my family and friends and everyone who helped make this blog what it is.  Also I would like to thank <insert deity of choice>.  I could not have done this without you.  I'm sure a phenomenal giveaway will be happening in the near future.  That's when the real shindig starts ;)

Now back to my review!  So I was sent these glitters from the Born Pretty Store!  They are hexagonal glitter that come in 12 different colours!  Dark blue, light blue, pink, silver, iridescent white, gold, yellow, red, orange, lavender, silver-gold and green.  All the colours of Josephs coat and it doesn't come with jealous brothers.  WIN!

First off I almost didn't post these nails.  Because when it came down to it I thought I could have done better.  But then I thought no.  Even if it may not be the best it's just good to see.

So I figured I have all the colours of the coat(Joseph again) why not do some sort of rainbow pattern.  So I did rainbow tips on each finger and then did a rainbow accent.  The glitter was easy to use.  A tad messy(but it is loose glitter).  I used tape to pick up glitter that fell around me.  Now I kind of wished I had used a lighter colour base but I had to take some photos for something else and I was worried a base like white would stand out too much.  Also maybe it was a bit because of the black base but taking photos was a nightmare.  Some angles you would see some colours and the other would vanish, and vice versa.

Overall despite the fact that it wasn't my best I still did like it.  And I'm am super excited to give these another go and show you something that will knock your mismatched socks off!

If you want to buy these you can get them from the Born Pretty Store for $6.45!  And Shipping is FREE!  You can also use our code(EAL91) and get a 10% discount on whatever you buy!

 Use this code to get 10% of whatever you buy! Huzzah!

*Product was sent for honest review


  1. I like them! I think it turned out really good.

  2. Happy Blogiversary!! And I think the manicure looks awesome!! Then again, you ragging on it before I scrolled down to see it so I lowered my standards and then it WOWed me (that must have been your plan all along) :D

  3. Happy Blogiversary!!!!! And I just love these glequins!!! Besides the rhinestones they are my favorite to use for nail art!!!

  4. happy blogaversary!!! i loooove your blog :) and i love these glitters, i want them so badly! your mani is s pretty, great use of the colors :)

  5. I love it!!! Happy Blogiversary!

  6. Happy blogiversary! :-) I like these glitters and I really love your manicure, beautiful effect! :-)

  7. Happy belated blogiversary :)
    That is a completely cool mani, so beautiful!

  8. Happy anniversary! :) These glitters are awesome! You did a fantastic job applying them!

  9. Dude-I totally just ordered this set-figured maybe I'd try my hand at them! Your mani is awesome! Congrats on the anniversary!

  10. This looks amazing and happy anniversary! :)

  11. Happy anniversary!! :-)
    That's a really pretty mani! I love the clever way you got all the different color-ed glitters on there.

    ~ Yun

  12. I love what you did with the glitter. I wish I had that sort of patience :)

  13. Happy Blogiversary! I love your manicure!

  14. So pretty! I think it came out great :)

  15. I Love This!! A very different take on the 'rainbow' look. Very creative!


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