Monday 28 January 2013

Sally Hanson Kwik Off: This has to be some sort of nail polish removal record right?

My mother gave this to me the other day.  Originally I wasn't too keen on using it because it said it was for removal of fake nails aka this here be full of the chemicals.  But the other night I ran out of remover that wasn't pure acetone so I used this.

I had been wearing Milani Dude Blue, which is just a bright blue cream.  I stuffed all five finger in and twisted them around (now where have I heard that before?)  Within maybe 15 second one hand was done.  And another 15 seconds for the second hand.

I decided I wanted to actually try this again and record my results.  So I used Butter London Two Fingered Salute.  I figured while it does have shimmer in it it would be slightly harder to remove than say a cream polish but not as hard as a pure glitter.  I did the same thing as I did with the DB.  In total it took 55 seconds to remove both hands...polish from both hands.  I would sue if it took my hands.

Overall I really liked this.  It was a tad harsher than normal polish remover but less harsh than acetone.  And it kind of left my hands feeling sticky after *giggles* but it got the polish off fast.  I will probably use it for polishes like Two Fingered Salute. Not hard to remove polish or polish that you can practically wash off with soap.

You should note that the remover in container is black. That's because I has used it a few times by the time I took the photo.  This does not affect the way it works.  Also the container is about 2 knuckles deep...*sigh* The jokes practically write themselves.

Have you tried this product or anything like it before?

 Lol 5:25am.  Don't worry it was a Friday night.
Nails right after removal.  This took about 25 seconds.  IGNORE the yellow nails.


  1. I've never had much success with those type of removers. But WOW I'm impressed with the time you saved over other methods.

    1. I should add I have tried others like this that were a)smaller and b)didn't work very well. I suspect it's because those were just full of normal remover(at lest the ones I used.) which didn't work as well or quickly when it came to dissolving the polish. Also because things like glitter never dissolved in those ones I would always get glitter on my hands later one. Granted I have no clue what this would do to pure glitter. And I don't want to try in case the glitter just ends up floating about.

  2. when i was pretty young (like in the 1990's lol) i used to have one really close to this, like with plastic bristles instead of a spongey thing, but pretty much the same concept. also, this is the BEST review I have ever read. hahahah epic

  3. So...much...innuendo! Can' snickering!! >_<

    This sounds like some seriously amazing stuff! Definitely going to see if they have it at the one, lonely little Sally Hansen stand I've seen here because I could definitely go for some quickie, two-knuckle-deep action--sticky fingers and all.

  4. LOL, you are too funny - I haven't tried one of these yet either, maybe I'll give it a go!!

  5. Never heard of this or seen this before! Interesting...I'd like to see how it works with obnoxious chunky glitters!!

  6. This was the most hilarious post about polish removal I've ever read. Kudos.

  7. hahahha. my fingers are laughing so hard i cant even say the things i want to about the actual review!! how many times you heard THAT one before?

  8. hahaha! The removal times on these are amazing! I may have to give this a try. :-)

    ~ Yun

  9. Ahaha. This cracked me up. But I am super impressed with how quickly this remover works. Also slightly terrified. What's IN that?! Still, it might be worth it. Wonder if it eats through glitter super quick...

  10. how long does it last? can you put your own remover in when it runs out?

    1. I've been using it for a couple weeks now. And while the remover isn't clear it works as well as it did when it was new. There also isn't at this point a noticeable drop in remover level.

      I've never gone through a whole thing but I assume you could add your own. I will for sure give it a go!


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