Monday 21 January 2013

OPI Changing of the Garnet: Well this post got very dark, very fast.

So if there is one thing you should take away from my love of polish is that I LOVE red polishes.  If there ever came a day when someone said "From tomorrow on you can only wear ONE colour of nail polish for the rest of your life.  It can be any shade or finish of that colour.  But if you wear any other colour you have to watch everyone else in the world die a horrible death and you will be the only survivor.   Well you and your deep self loathing and the distant memory of a million screaming people desperately trying to cling to what life they had left.  Not only that but death himself will laugh in your face.  Forcing you, and you alone to walk the earth till the end of time.  You body may be decrepit and shattered by the end but you will still linger on.  So.  What colour do you choose?" I would say red.

Changing of the Garnet is first off an oldie.  It's from OPI's 2002 European collection.  It's a garnet red(I see what you did there OPI), made up of red and copper shimmer.  This was 2 easy coats despite it being old.  It smelt like what I assume is Satan's morning breath after a night on the town.  Kleancolor smells better.  I only swatched this and I felt ill.

Over all this is a really nice red, and even though I LOVE reds this is probably one of my least favourites.  And just and FYI when it comes to reds I pretty much like them all in general so long as they don't lean orange.  So least favourite red does not mean I hate it.  When I find the right time to wear it I will show you my fav! I wont tell you what it is it's Chanel Malice.

So tell me guys if you had to only wear ONE colour of polish for the rest of your life.  It can be any shade or finish(glitter counts too but if most be predominantly your colour of choice).  What colour do you choose?

Ps. My next post will be more fun.  Maybe.

ETA: As of now.  Approximately an hour and a half after posting this, this post has received over 600 hits and it's just rising!  HOW?  WHY?   The only thing I know is most of the hits are from America.

ETA 2: Just over 12 hours later and it's almost at 4000 hits.  WHAT IS THIS SORCERY???


  1. i think all that red polish has filled you with rage...just a little :-P gorgeous color. i wish i could rock red like you, i feel like most red look weird on my nails

    1. One day you will find your red! And it's not the polish that has filled me with rage. That's just my delightful personality... and a bit of the polish. But I blame toxins.

  2. Hmmmm....I think if I had to wear one color it would be blue. That way I could wear things like periwinkles, light blues, navys, teals, and medium blue. Lots of diversity in blues! :)

  3. I would probably wear OPI Teal the Cows Come Home, it is so pretty and I love blue polish.

  4. WOW What a dark and scary place the inside of your brain must be!!! HEHEHEH! I choose brown!

  5. My color is mint green!!! <3 You have such a way with words haha

  6. It looks beautiful! I'd choose blue :)

  7. I think I'd choose purple. That way I could do anything from pale lilac to vampy purple. Or do I have to choose a more specific shade of purple? If so, I might just opt for a taupe-grey instead. Mmm, taupe. Mmm, grey.

  8. LOL - you are amusing to read :)
    I love this red - but OH boy, if I were to choose one - it probably had to be purple with shimmer...

  9. this reminds me of Waka-waka from opi's muppets collection just a little bit! but i would pick blue in a heart beat, no doubt about it! blues are my go to color!

  10. I would definitely choose blue! :-) This red is beautiful! :-)

  11. I would have yo do a mini Miny mo between blue and red, they're my fav colors!!

  12. ME encanta un color maravilloso... Beautiful. Bye

  13. Haha I'm not sure what color I would wear if I had to pick only one. It kind of changes from month to month. :-)

    ~ Yun

  14. I'd most probably choose red too, just because I seem to wear it most often and there are many varieties of color

  15. Hello from the future! As you can tell, I'm a time-traveller from May 2015, and I've come from eBay where this red is tempting me... ;-)
    The thing is, me and reds just don't seem to get on... so many have those coral/brown/warm undertones that just look awful against my pale skin, but if I go pinkier, they're either too loud or too girlie and twee... and as for all those red glitters and shimmers(hey, and I luuurve glitter!) I feel over-done in daytime, too clichéd for parties - aaargh.....!
    All I want a proper, classy, true red, that neither bankrupts me or comes from a pound shop! I want to feel groomed, confident, and a little bit sexy - all those things that wearing red is supposed to do for you, but so far, seem to have the opposite effect :'-(
    Please, as you're obviously a red connoisseur - can you help?
    Yours hopefully, Tricia x
    ps My one-colour-forever? Obviously, ***purple***! So versatile, so many shades, just bloomin' marvellous! Tx

  16. pps - You know you've had well over 450,000 views, for this page alone? OMG!!! It's a great post - yes, I admit, I'm still in a mixture of wry amusement and jaw-dropping shock ;-) but finally, someone who gets it, lol! Well, you've definitely left me grinning - hello, kindred spirit! - and I love your creativity, so please, keep on keeping on! :-D Tx

  17. If I had to live with just one color it would be Opi's Changing of the Garnet. I absolutely love this color.

  18. If I had to live with just one color it would be Opi's Changing of the Garnet. I absolutely love this color.


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