Saturday 1 December 2012

Butter London Fishwife.

Ohhh, my lovely long nails in these photos.  How I miss them.  NOSTALGIA.  My mother said they were getting "Scary".  What does she know?

I just cut off my long nails in preparation for my family's upcoming 6-week trip to South Africa.  I knew that in the course of packing and flying and things I would likely break a few, so it's Nail Envy time for me until we return on January 26!  Luckily I swatched a couple of things before the chop, so here's one!

Butter London Fishwife came in a duo with Posh Bird, which I showed you last week.  Fishwife is a pale seafoam coloured polish that's somewhere between a scattered and linear holo.  These photos REALLY don't do justice to how amazing it is.  The thing I love most is how, unlike a lot of holos, this one looks every bit as amazing in the shade.  I am so in love with this.  My fingers also didn't look so red in person, I think this colour just photographs weirdly with my skin.

This is two medium coats with Butter London Hardwear.  I would do three very thin coats next time, though.


  1. I dismissed this at first but it is actually a really nice polish!!!

    1. Yeah I initially thought it was going to be a bad fit, but it's soo lovely. I think it def deserves more attention!

  2. Gorgeous! I think Butter London makes the prettiest holos, as you said, because they do look just as pretty in the shade. And, they're so low maintenance as holos go.
    Have an amazing time in South Africa!

    1. They really do make some of the best holos. I am so glad I didn't dismiss them!

      Thanks :) I'll be sharing lots of photos of the trip!

  3. I sooo need to get this already!!! It looks stunning!

    1. Do it! It's a pretty amazing shade, I'm so glad I picked it up.

  4. Very classy!!! Butter London really throws continously gorgeous shades towards us!!!! This still sits on my wishlist...... Enjoy your trip to South Africa :-)

    1. They really do! I absolutely love their polishes.

      Thanks, I will! I'll be sharing loads of photos.

  5. It's sooo pretty!!

  6. Ooohh! That's pretty, adding to my wish list. I don't think your nails look scary, they're very nice and shaped well. Mom's say weird things sometimes :)

    1. Yeah, I liked them too! But my mum wears hers very round so she doesn't like square at all. Either way they're shorter now.

      It's a great colour, one of my faves now!


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