Monday 3 December 2012

World AIDS Day

So today I have 2 manicures for you guys!  Both of these are in support of World AIDS Day(December 1st).  The first one I wore on this year on World AIDS Day and the second one I wore exactly a year ago on World AIDS Day 2011.

Just a little bit of info first. HIV(human immunodeficiency virus) is the virus that causes AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). So you can be HIV positive and not have AIDS. HIV turn into AIDS when a person who has HIV's T cell(Type of white blood cell) count drops below a certain number. Both of these viruses damage the immune system making a person at risk for infections and illnesses. It can be transmitted through sexual contact, bodily fluids such as blood and can be passed on from mother to child.

I think it's important that people are aware that HIV/AIDS is not a gay disease.  Over the years millions have died from it. It doesn't matter if you are straight, gay, young, old, man, or woman if you don't take precautions you could be putting you at risk.  Remember while progress is being made there is no cure yet.  Be smart and wrap up your junk.  And I guess while we're on the topic, if you must do drugs, don't share needles.  Play safe guys.

Now the nails. This year I used CND's Crimson Uprising. A beautiful red wine colour with fine gold glitter(that I couldn't pick up on camera). It went on in 2 easy coats but drying time was a nightmare!  Then I added two pieces of striping tape going one way and one going the other.  Then for the accent nail I used Claire's Snowball and China Glaze's White Ice.  Finally I used Crimson Uprising for the red ribbon.

 I'll be honest with you.  Lifestyles is good.  But Crown and Kimono condoms are where it's at.

The manicure is from 2011.  Before I even started blogging.  I used OPI Smitten With Mittens for all the red and OPI Happy Anniversary as the accent nail.  Look at how far I've come :P 

Ps.  Don't forget our Butter London Christmas Giveaway ends in a week!


  1. Wonderful manis for a great cause!

  2. Wowww in a year! You've come a long way :)

  3. yes, i love this! my uncle died when i was young when he got sick. he also had AIDS and was unable to fight off the illness. FIGHT AIDS!

  4. No glove, no love sistah. I also had an uncle who had AIDS. He was a really fabulous man, and I'm so sad we never had a chance to be friends as adults.

  5. Great manis for a great cause! :-)

    ~ Yun

  6. It's a beautiful mani for a worthy cause!

  7. Beautiful manis for a great cause!!!! People seemed to have forgotten that this is still a deadly disease and have started to neglect it again - to me this is therefore the most important awareness day. I have lost more than one wonderful friend because of this disease!!!!

  8. Thanks guys! I really appreciate your comments :)


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