Monday 26 November 2012

★Christmas Giveaway★

*Throws snow at all of your faces*
*Apologises for getting a chunk of ice in your eye*

Christmas is almost here!  And do you guys know what that means? Cookies, booze and GIVEAWAY TIME!  And on top of that this is our (almost) 200th POST!  We were actually going to have 2 different prizes but due to complications we only have one.  But that just means we'll probably have to have another giveaway early in the new year!

One person will win 3 Butter London Polishes!  Wallis, West End Wonderland and Pillar Box Red!

(because proof that things like this are new and still factory sealed is nice)

Here are the rules:
1) This giveaway is international BUT if you live somewhere where shipping polish is a problem please DO NOT ENTER.
2) Don't cheat.  All your entries will be deleted.  And we do check everything carefully.
3) This giveaway will end in approximately 2 weeks.  We will announce the winner on December 11th.  You will have 24 hours to respond. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Not much more! The blog is already awesome! I love the questions and stuff, I hope you get some interesting answers.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My favorite books would have to be the Harry Potter series, and most specifically, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood prince. There Harry Potter series in and of itself is extremely well written and insightful, presenting extremely relatable characters and providing the reader with a hero that is exceptionally accessible. Many times heroes, especially in young adult novels, tend to be “too good”…in a sense, they are great role models for children but aren’t particularly relatable as they have few flaws (look at Peter from The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, for example). Harry is a fantastic hero because he DOES make mistakes and is flawed; he gets angry, he questions his purpose, and he often times has issues with his own identity. There are many, many reasons why the Harry Potter series is positive for readers of all ages, but I think having a hero like Harry helps young readers see that you don’t need to be perfect to be a hero.

    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince would have to be my favorite book in the series simply due to the backstory that it gives us on both Lord Voldemort and Professor Snape. The element of the Half-Blood Prince’s potions book is so interesting to me, and the backstory on Voldemort helps to illustrate what it is that makes him evil. I also thought that plot-line involving Draco Malfoy was very well written, and it really made me feel for the Malfoys for the first time in the series. And of course, there is the infamous ending which made everyone question where Snape’s loyalty truly was. Overall, I think it is a fantastic book, and it is my favorite out of the series.

    In conclusion...Harry Potter is awesome.

  4. I'd love to see more movie related nails...loved the Beetlejuice ones!

  5. more quirky stuff like your extreme polish layering ; )

  6. Video tutorials & even more awesome nail designs, too!

  7. I want to see moar NAAaaILS! Love this!

  8. Thanks for hosting this gorgeous giveaway - and what a lot of fun questions :)
    I like you blog as it is - and I feel as long as YOU are happy about what you post, it reflects in the way you post it and thus it feels true and real...

  9. My favorite book is more of a series. It's the Vorkosigan series by Lois McMaster-Bujold. It's got action, drama, politics, scheming, all underlaid by an extremely rich universe with a full and varied history from the various worlds within it, and amazing characters that just draw you in and make you want to be there with them. Except that no sane woman would ever migrate to Barrayar...unless you're the most sane woman in the universe and are capable enough to carry it off. Cordelia Vorkosigan is my idol, forever.

    The story starts off with explorer Cordelia Naismith meeting Aral Vorkosigan from opposite sides of a war that has just begun. Their meeting becomes the opening skirmish, in fact, of a war not yet declared. And yet they fall in love in their own inimitable fashion. Two such amazing personalities cannot help but create something greater than the sum of their parts, resulting in Miles Naismith Vorkosigan, the lead role in most of the future books in the series.

    Miles is a crippled first-born son of a high-ranking count on a world pathologically afraid of mutations (for rational reasons based in history, but which are no longer valid - but a cultural phobia is hard to stamp out!) Driven to prove himself, but with his parents own weird luck, the series has depths of philosophy, politics, and space-drama-action, along with lighthearted humor throughout, and a pace that keeps you on the edge of your seat wondering what on earth will happen to him next, and how will he manage to get out of this one!

  10. As for what I want to see on this blog - I'm a firm believer that the best blog is one written from the heart. Write about what you're passionate about, and we'll naturally be interested. ^_^ Personally, I'm all about the nail art, but I subscribe to a few beauty blogs, fashion blogs, and DIY blogs, just because of how well written they are - the pictures are gorgeous and the writing is humorous, so even if I'm not interested in the topic of any particular post, I still enjoy the reading! Write what you love, and the readers will follow!!

  11. I would love to see more "looks" instead of just how the polishes look? As in more designs with two or three colors because I'm always looking for ways to make my nails stand out.

  12. I believe that Anne Boleyn was innocent of the crimes she was executed for. She was quite the, shall we say well experienced woman however. In the case of her execution the accusations were largely fabricated specifically against her to ensure her death. The King wanted nothing more than a male heir, the reason why he annulled his marriage with Queen Catherine who only gave him a daughter. He married Anne quickly after his annulment with Catherine, and soon after she announced she was with child. When she gave birth to a boy, even though it was prematurely announced to be a prince, the King was extremely displeased and sought out an annulment with Anne as well without having to re-marry Catherine. Soon Anne announced another pregnancy and all was forgiven. This pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, along with the next. A queen that was not popping out Princes was no use to the king, so she ended to be removed. Thomas Cromwell, who Anne had clashed with before, crafted the charges against her. She was accused with adultery and even incest with her brother. Any man arrested denied the charges at first but under torture cracked and confessed to the crimes, condemning Anne to death. Despite the faulty evidence and questionable confessions, Anne was set to be be-headed on May 17 on Tower Hill. Ironically, before her execution her marriage to the king was annulled, meaning that the adultery charges had no hold; but this was disregarded of course. She made a short speech before kneeling for the sword, which delivered her death in one stroke. Soon after her death, hours really, Jane Seymore was betrothed to the king, and wed 11 days later. This just solidifies that Anne's death was unjust, and really just used as means by the king to get to the next baby maker.


  13. I would like to see more of: the answers to the questions.

    I love that your entry questions were so creative. I don't even know how to answer some lol.

  14. I'm always trying to learn new things , so I look for tutorials everywhere I read!

  15. Wow thank you so much for this amazing giveaway! I enjoy reading whatever you want to share. I think you are more passionate when it's something you want to write about, and that really comes through. :-)

    ~ Yun

  16. Great Giveaway hun, those are some lovely looking nail polishes, perfect for the holiday season!

    My favourite book is a Scottish Historical romance by Julie Garwood. To me a good romance can lift a person up in whatever mood they are in and The Bride by Julie Garwood is just that book. I read it when ever I'm feeling down!

    It's tells the story of Jamie a step daughter to a english baron who's forgotten to pay his taxes and there for must let two Scottish laird's marry some of his daughters. Jamie thinks she's safe because she wasn't mentioned in the order from the king but a friend who sees how Jamie is treated by her step father steps in and things don't go exactly as Jamie plans. It takes her through her marriage with a Scottish laird *swoon* and how she deals with being the only English person in a Scottish clan and being hunted by the murderer who killed off the laird last wife.
    It involves some mystery and some very emotional scenes but is very much a feel good novel with a great ending. Such a beautiful story, entwined with a gorgeous setting with some great laugh out loud can't go wrong! Also....a tall handsome man with a Scottish accent in a kilt......hmmmmm....would any woman pass that up?

    I have already liked your facebook page hun! My name is Linzi Louisa Miles :-)

    Loved answering those questions! David Tennant will always be my fave doctor...although I do have a soft spot for Matt Smith :-)

  17. One of the best series to hit bookshelves is the Lady Julia Grey books by Deanna Raybourn. They take place after 1886 and Lady Julia is a wealthy socialite. In the first novel, Silent in the Grave, her husband has just been murdered and she is introduced to the darkly handsome Brisbane. She begins on a journey to discover the person who murdered him and who exactly is this devilishly gorgeous man who at time assists and thwarts her efforts. The books are full of mystery, romance, and humor wrapped in period extravagance. Some suspension of disbelief is required due to Lady Julia’s independence, however the excitement of it all makes that easy to accomplish. If you think Edward from the Twilight books is dashing, well he looks like a baby troll in comparison to Brisbane’s dashing male persona. The two main characters are surrounded by equally rich and enthralling supporting characters. These individuals range from opulent English wealth to the poor and meager London has to offer. After reading the fifth book, you will be waiting in suspended rapture for the next installment. If one does not know these books exist or does and does not seek them out one is surly missing something in their cranial cavity. ;)

  18. I would love to see more fantasy designs and tutorials.

  19. I would like to see more pop culture related nail art! Different movie and TV show designs would be awesome. :)

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. #3) Was Anne Boleyn guilty? In my opinion, no. When you consider who it was that was bringing charges against her, it becomes more and more difficult to see any truth in them. This is a man who created a new religion for the purpose of getting his first marriage annulled. The annulment was for the sole reason that he found a new girl with whom he wanted to get friendly and make male heirs. (He also had a second annulment for the same reason.) Does that sound like a reasonable, trust-worthy guy to you? I don’t think so either.

      Plus, it just seems a little inconceivable that two women (both Anne Boleyn and Kathryn Howard) would both cheat on the most powerful man in England, regardless of the fact that they could, and would, be killed for it. Yet apparently both of them did just that. The fact that he used the same excuse twice to simply get new wives is highly suspicious.

      Truthfully, I think that Henry VIII was simply looking for a way out of the marriage. Henry waited six years to be with her. Once he got married and was finally able to be intimate with her, things started going downhill. Then, it became clear that Anne was almost certainly not going to be able to produce a male heir when she had two miscarriages. Soon after, Henry told his advisor, Thomas Cromwell, that "he had made this marriage seduced by her witchcraft." I think the honeymoon was clearly over by that point.

      One of the other factors that goes into me believing her innocence is the sheer magnitude of the charges. Adultery would be somewhat easy to believe, as she was known to be quite flirtatious. Also, she was desperate to have a male heir in any way she could. If Henry wasn’t making that happen, it’s possible that she would try to find an alternate “source." However, incest is an incredibly far leap from that. It’s apparent that Henry was trying to hurt her in any way he could. Even if she had been committing incest with her brother, there would be no point in bringing it up in court. The charges of adultery and plotting to murder the king would have been enough to get her executed. So clearly, it was only done to completely destroy her already tarnished reputation.

      Finally, I can find no evidence that the charge of plotting to murder the king has any truth to it. So even if she was guilty of adultery, which seems improbable, I do not believe for a second that she was guilty of incest or plotting to murder Henry VIII. And since it was Henry who accused her of all three counts, and I don’t believe that two of them were true, I’m going to take a leap and say that he lied about all three things. And that’s why I believe Anne Boleyn was innocent!

  21. I'd love to see more nail art ideas and tutorials

  22. Was Anne Boleyn guilty? I don't think so.

    Let's accept it wasn't the best historical period for women at those times. A powerful man could destroy a girl's life without effort. And Anne's husband Henry VIII was quite a autocratic stubborn man who got bored quickly. Remember what he had done to his other wives - the man had literally no repsect for women... Anne Boleyn was just a victim of the times.

    Plus Anne didn't provide a boy, a heir. That seems to be the biggest problem. Producing a male heir was king's priority in relationship and Anna's innosence didn't matter him much.
    Henry wanted to move on to a new wife, new birth-giving machine.

    Cromwell definitely played a major role in all this, but I don't think Henry just watched. He wanted to get rid of his wife and left it up to others to do so. When a man wants an excuse for divorce he is able to accuse you of anything.

    The charges against her were ridiculous and there's no hard evidence she commited those crimes. I beleive she was smart enough not to do any nonsense she was accused of. Though her bad temper and ambitions didn't help her, the king definitely wanted a more obedient wife.

    Anyway, the couple's story started wrong and ended wrong. But Anne Boleyn is innocent.

  23. Pretty much more of everything! I hope that's not a cop-out comment, but I think your blog is flippin' awesome the way it is. I dig. Keep it up!

  24. More manicures of course! :)

  25. Bizarre manis. I love trying to recreate- and fail - crazy nail art!

  26. Is Anne Boleyn Guilty?

    Luckily, I'm doing a 34092384 page research paper on a topic similar to this in my Historical Methods Class. We all know that King Henry was crazy... and when I say crazy, I mean 'marry six women, banish one, and kill the rest' type of crazy. Luckily, poor Jane died of non - Henry causes. (Well, maybe not luckily...) and as far as Katherine, he died before he could do anything. NOW. On to Anne.
    I've read a lot, and seen a lot, of interpretations of Anne and Henry's relationship, from Philippa Gregory's Tudor books to Showtime's Tudor series. This is my theory. Anne's family were social climbers. They wanted any and everything - titles, lands, prestige, the best dishes at dinner. To prove this, I give you Mary Carey, aka Mary Boleyn, Anne's sister. She was thrown into Henry's path, caught his attention for awhile, POSSIBLY had two children by him, and was thrown to the side. Enter Anne. Anne wasn't going to settle for being a mistress. she wanted to be QUEEN. which was laughable, since the Pope strictly forbade Henry his divorce. She got what she wanted though - at a price. I believe Anne was not guilty. I don't think she was crazy enough to defy Henry- and I also think she loved him, and if not loved him, then loved her position as Queen too much to jeopardize that for a 'lover.' This is the deal - Henry was angry, because he had just divorced a woman that couldn't bear him a son, ripped his country for the catholic church to do it, and married one who he couldn't get a son on either. He didn't want another civil war that his father stopped, and he was too self absorbed to care about the feelings of his significant others. Anne needed to be gone - She was too fiery, too high -spirited, asked for too much. My proof: His next wife, Jane. Jane is the exact opposite, so innocent, virginal. Henry was tired of Anne. And what's the best way to get rid of her? Death. What's the best way to get her killed? Accuse her of adultery against the King. And throw in all the people who could defend her. Anne was not guilty, and said so until her execution. But just because she wasn't guilty doesn't mean she was nice. She was very manipulative, and I can (kinda) see why Henry got so tired of her.

    There it is, ( I hope I don't have to cite any sources or bring in any primary sources. :) )

  27. I'm a new follower and I am liking what I see! I'd always love to see more swatches and nail art :)

  28. I dont know. Your blog is perfect like this. Dont change it!

  29. 2) Metro 2033 - This is a post-apocalyptic science fiction novel. It is happening in Moscow Metro. There wa big nuclear holocaust and survivers live in the metro, under the surface. And on the surface are awful and scary creatures, and no one ever goes on the surface. And there is this main character that is going trough Metro and meets other people and there are figths and vision and scary unexplained thins, and there are also emotional fights. And every station in the Metro is like little city, and people are different in every city, and there are all kind of horors happening in the tunels.
    I cant wait to read the sequel, Metro 2034. I recomend everyone to read this book. <3

  30. I would like to see nail art based on Greek Mythology!!Hope I inspired you!

  31. My favorites are swatch comparisons (for dupes) and different layering combos.

  32. In no way do I think that Anne Boleyn was guilty of the charges for which she was beheaded. I believe she was guilty of not being able to produce a son, guilty of having the heartbreaking loss of children that led to whatever love or obsession that Henry had for her. I believe she was guilty of loving another man prior to her marriage to Henry, and of having to lose him to the political machinations of her Father. I believe that there is the possibility that she became power hungry once she realized she had something Henry wanted, and used that to drive him to begin the separation of Church and State. I don't idolize a romanticized version of her, but based on the decisions she made, the beliefs it has been said that she had - I respect her, I respect her pain and loss, and the impact of the effect she had on both England, and democracies around the world for generations to come. (The Reformation). Nice question, thank you for that.

  33. I don't know actually...maybe more nail art

  34. More haul post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Tutorials would be nice :D

  36. Henry VIII was a very difficult man; and he had a taste for woman, there is no doubt of that. We have to remember that he cheated on Catherine of Aragon with Anne. She got pregnant, and there was a slight possibility of having a male heir. Henry needed to get rid of Catherine right away. He blamed the Church for allowing his marriage with his brother’s widow, and when they didn’t granted him divorce, he decided to broke with the Church and start a whole new religion: the Church of England. Now he was the head of everything and he was not going to answer to the Pope anymore. He got an annulment for his marriage with Catherine, leaving their daughter Mary as an illegitimate child, and married Anne right away. But Anne didn’t give him a male heir, she had a daughter: Elizabeth. This was a huge disappointment for Henry. He got bored of Anne soon enough and started to search for other options. He found one in Jane Seymour. He was now on the very same problem than before: he needed to get rid of his wife to marry his mistress. But how was he supposed to get a divorce after all the religious struggle England went through just because Henry wanted to marry Anne? The only way was blaming Anne of terrible crimes and has her beheaded. In my opinion, she was not guilty. She was just a woman under a great pressure who just wanted to please her king.

    Source: My British history class (I got a 10 on that subject! –that’s an A)
    This was super helpful! I have a test tomorrow and was a nice practice. Thank you! :D

  37. I adore your humour and your blog, so I don't think it needs anything more! Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. 3) Was Anne Boleyn guilty? Support your answer. No, I do not think she was least not of the charges accused. She was little more than a child who had lost love, Henry on the other hand, was a crazy and would go to any means necessary to get himself an heir. As soon as he saw his wife was incapable of providing an heir he moved on to the next woman. After all he went through to rid himself of his wife, it wouldn't be easy to rid himself of another woman who couldn't produce an heir. What better way to do that than have her put to death? Anne was just a young girl who wanted and needed attention. The attention of a king was more than she could imagine. She got all she could want from him, but in the end he was tired of giving. So he got rid of her the only way he thought he could.

  39. Great giveaway, admirable participants who take on the challenge! More humor would be lovely!

  40. I'd like to see more giveaways ;)

  41. I'd like to see nail art and haul posts :)

  42. I want to see more haul posts!

  43. Thank you for this giveaway, I would love to see more nail art

  44. Well I really love your blog them but I would like to be able to suscribe by mail! Thanks for this GA

  45. I always love seeing more nail art tutorials. It helps me as a noob.

  46. I don't believe that Anne Boleyn was guilty of adultery, incest, or witchcraft. She was certainly a shrewd and intelligent woman, one who was quite skilled in the political intricacies of navigating Henry's court. I believe that she endeavored to manipulate Henry's emotions to be more favorable toward her and her family, and to marry her. However, as hard as she worked to gain such status, it would have been utter folly to risk it with something as stupid as adultery. Henry was a known womanizer, and was obsessed with securing a male heir to his throne. Most historians agree that the evidence against Anne was highly suspect, and manufactured in order to remove Anne from the marriage. I personally hold the opinion that if there is some higher power, it punished Henry by denying him a male heir despite his many wives.

  47. I love the swatches!!! i also can´t get enough of them

  48. Swatches of news collections:)

  49. I'd like to see more swatches and reviews

  50. Would like to see more tutorials!

  51. I want to see more nail art tutorials :)

  52. Comment # 1: More giveaways ;)

  53. 1. I would love to see more indie reviews. I don't know how easy it would be for you to get them, but I want to see more opinions since it's a growing area.

    #2(2): It sounds so ridiculous, but one of my favorite books is Dante’s Divine Comedy. I think part of it is because I read it so young and had to struggle through a lot of the phrasing given the age of the text, but it was amazing. I love Hell and experiencing each circle of hell and trying to visualize in my own way what Dante wanted us to see. I actually liked Virgil as a character and all of the descriptions/internal struggles presented. I struggled more with Purgatory (maybe I was tired of trying to figure out the text at that point), but the seven layers/sins were an interesting read. However, I really struggled with Paradise and didn’t really care for Beatrice. I actually stopped the book, but I think that was because after struggling with the phrasing through two books, my brain couldn’t handle much more. The whole concept of celestial planets and divine virtue is beautiful though.
    I really should reread the book now that I’m close in age to Dante’s character age to see if my perspective has changed in the 20 years since I read it last.
    My favorite part is still the inscription above the gates of hell:
    Through me the way to the suffering city, Through me the everlasting pain…
    …..Abandon all hope, those who enter here.

  54. Personally, I would love to see more of the same. Your posts are written so naturally, flowing out of whatever you're currently wearing or doing or particularly excited about, that I'd hate to see you guys ever feel like there's something you "need" to post about. You have lovely swatches, fun nail art, and a very entertaining, approachable style; don't ever change! Unless you feel like it. ;)

    I am currently reading "Guards! Guards!" by Sir Terry Pratchett for approximately the 7th time, and I have yet to grow tired of it. I believe it's the 8th book in the Discworld series, but no prior knowledge is necessary. It's a great place to jump in, full of instantly recognizable characters to whom readers should easily relate, and yet, like the premise of the novel itself, these characters don't always behave as expected.

    "Guards! Guards!" takes great pleasure in poking affectionate fun at the conventions of the classic hero's tale. Against a backdrop of secret societies and fire-breathing dragons it artfully weaves together satire, intrigue, and a pragmatically modern love story. It's also very much a tale of law and order, seen through the eyes of both the innocently valiant and the cynically jaded.

    Pratchett clearly finds joy in the English language and paints delightfully descriptive pictures with his words, such as when he introduces Carrot as "a young man heading for the city with all the openness, sincerity, and innocence of purpose of an iceberg drifting into a major shipping lane."

    "Guards! Guards!" is gumshoe detective work in a city full of magic and myth. Plus an orangutan who is fully versed in the rules of causality, and a city ruler who knows exactly how a dungeon should be built.

  55. Tutorials! I love seeing nail art tutorials on blogs!

  56. I would like to se more nailart on the blog!

    And no Anne Boleyn was not guilty. She was a victim of a mentaly disturbed man who did what he he thought was right for his kingdom!

  57. I'd like to see more comparisons, so I could stop duping myself!

  58. I'm a fairly new follower but i've been looking at all of your posts and i love them! More of the same would have to be my answer;)

  59. I would like to see more nail swatches :)

  60. My favourite book is Soulpancake by Rainn Wilson. It doesn't have a plot what so ever, though. I think it is more of a fun exploring book. It makes you question a lot of things, that people typically just accept or overlook. It is divided into categories, from "The Brain and Soul" to "Love, Sex and Relationships" to "Science and Technology".
    Another thing I like a lot is it has a lot of quotes relating to the question posed on the page. For example, one of the questions under the category "Virtues and Vices," is "What is on lie you're glad you told today?" One quote on the page is "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it." -Adolf Hitler.
    One of my absolute favourite (if not my number one favourite) things about this book is the challenges. I believe they just make you a better person, such as being a reverse pick pocket, while others are just fun, like "Get a knife. Get a stick. Whittle something."
    I turn to this book for everything, whether I'm sad or happy. I love going through the pages over and over again. My answers to the questions probably change as learn new things, or simply as time goes by.
    Another perk to Soulpancake is the artwork. There are over 90 artists included in it. Just the artwork inspires me.
    There isn't one thing about this book that I don't love.

    Please let me know if you decide to get this book! You won't regret it!

  61. Was Anne Boleyn guilty?
    This is a question for me, my favourite period in the English history. I've read a lot about Henry VIII and his wives, especially about Anne Boleyn, so I think the answer is not that simpe as it seems. Firstly, I would say she didn't deserve the execution, and nowadays we can't even imagine how could that happen, but in the 16th century...she was "just" a woman and "just" one of Henry's six wives, even if we think about the fact that Henry divorced Catherine because of her, and he broke up with the catholic church and made a new religion...that was "big deal". Henry loved her, but this wasn't enough, after all that torture her mistake was only that she didn't give him a son, and Henry fell in love with Jane Seymour...and that's all, she was beheaded. I'm really sorry about her, she couldn't do anything to change it. But secondly, it was a little bit her mistake, too. She was so clever, I belive, that se should have known it's really dangerous to "play" "games" like this, with this man, the king of England...yes, she wanted to be a queen, but taht's not as simple...if she had married the man who she loved before Henry, she would have had a life without power but also without death like this. I find her story interesting but sad...
    If you find mistakes, sorry, I'm just learning English.

  62. i would like to see more tutorials about nail art :D

  63. I believe that Anne Boleyn was not only unjustly convicted of treason and executed, but has had her name continuously dragged through the mud over the centuries.
    While she had to posses charm and a strong will to capture the heart of a married man, but do you really think a young noblewoman, given the finest education at the time, and raised to be a courtier would be careless enough to cheat on her husband, the King of England – one who broke ties with the Catholic Church in order to be with her? After all that scrutiny, I doubt that she would jeopardize her position with a fling.

    I think it is a fair assumption, that Henry was desperate for a make heir, and would use any means to secure one. This was the man who turned on his very pious and devoted first wife after she continued to miscarry his children. Not able to divorce her, he had the audacity to form a new religion and then crown himself as the head of the Church of England. After going through all those measures to marry Anne Boleyn, I am sure he was incredibly displeased when she too, failed to produce a male heir. Growing increasingly older and desperate to secure a successor, his eyes quickly wandered and he needed to dispose of his wife.

    Though there was absolutely no evidence of an affair, let alone one where she was plotting against her husband, it would probably be easier to execute her rather than to divorce her (she doesn’t seem like the type that would back down quietly). To top it off they dragged her reputation through the mud by accusing her of 7 different lovers, one being her own brother. After they were quickly convicted and executed, there was no one to defend Anne, and she too, was convicted of treason.

    Joke’s on Henry, though. Despite eventually producing a male heir, his most powerful successor ended up being Elizabeth I – Anne’s daughter.

  64. blog post comment #2! 'plagiarised' from my goodreads account :D (I wrote it myself, don't worry) The book (one of my favorites) is The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.

    Reading the blurb for this book, I thought it'd be another typical cancer romance. Don't get me wrong, I love me some depressing love stories and I've read wayyy too many to count. I thought it would go along these lines: boy meets girl --> they fall in love --> Boy gets cancer/leukemia/other terminal illness --> boy doesn't tell girl --> boy gets better --> girl finds out and gets mad --> boy goes into remission and goes into hospital --> girl feels like a bitch and cries at his bedside --> boy wakes up momentarily and they kiss --> boy dies --> reader cries. well, The Fault in Our Stars followed this pattern very loosely. First of all, the writing was absolutely flawless. The wittiness of John Green was such a breath of fresh air from the serious tone of any other depressing romance I've read. It seems like most authors are too frightened to have a humorous book about cancer, at risk of being insensitive. John Green has never been one to stick to the rules, and although I didn't particularly like the other books of his which I've read, I do respect him for being brave enough to write outside the politically correct box every single time.

    Hazel is not afraid of dying. It's made clear right from the beginning that she's knocked on Death's door so many times that it doesn't faze her anymore. What she's afraid of however, is letting down those around her by... dying. She withdraws from friendships because she knows they'll hurt when she's gone, and dying is something which is inevitable for her, someone with Stage IV Thyroid cancer. This side of illness is something which is neglected in books so much, that The Fault in Our Stars may be the first book I've read where the protagonist actually thought about death and how it would affect her loved ones. The way which Hazel seemed to take the piss out of cancer was amazing to me. She made fun of her own disease and is under no delusions about her chances of survival (pretty much zero.) She lives day by day and faces death EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. How much would it suck to wake up in the morning and know that this might be the last time you ever wake up?

    The author is so incredibly clever to be able to write about cancer almost... insensitively... but not be criticized by cancer victims everywhere. In fact, I'm almost sure that he wrote it in a way where people with cancer can actually relate to the character, even though it's a way of approaching the topic that is hardly ever seen in YA books. All in all, I absolutely LOVED this book. It actually made me think (shock horror) about life and the universe and other deep meaningful things ;) which was a nice change from the mindless action YA books I normally read which just requires the words to be processed in my head and to figure out which guy I like more.

  65. oh haha and comment #1 now, I'd like to see crazy nail art designs on this blog!

  66. Simple nail art for the "art" challenged newbies

  67. oh my gosh, guys are you seriouslly going to read this?! :P ok: now I'm starting: One Direction is a global phenomenon, because girls from all over the world like to feel conected and have something in common. In this case it is a worship to every single member from One Direction. They also like to choose which one from the band is the sexiest, cutest, and so on. The boysband aren't new. We still remember for example us5 or backstreet boys. same formula, new outfits.
    My favourite book is for sure Pride and Prejudice. It's a very classical book so I suppose you have already read it :) but anyway I'm going to review it. The main character from this book is Elisabeth Bennet, which is a girl loving in her twenties in a manor hause in England. The action takes place in a nineteenth century. She meets mr. Darcy nad she thinks that he's really arogant and mean and it takes a while for hr to realize that her first impression about him was wrong. At the end they are getting mariagge and I guess you alredy know that :P
    I don't know if Anne Boleyn was guilty or not. i'm not a historican so I don't know actually a lot about this . It was a long time ago and I guess that very aspects of this case, probably even the most important ones, aren't revealed. In my opinion the might be many things which could change our percetion of her death. She probably wasn't lucky and had a very powerfull enemies.
    I'm sure, that there is a spiritual connection between human consciousness and quantum psychics. I'm not a historican and I'm not a quantum physicist neither. Maybe dr. Sheldon Cooper could say us more anout this. Oh I'm sure he could :P

  68. Hey. I just wanted to let you know, I never got a chance to write the essay, but this was THE best entry for a giveaway I've ever seen. I like the idea of it, very cool!

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