Wednesday 14 November 2012

Ooooh, Almost Paradise...

So if you read my first few posts here, you know that Kas and I aren't really fans of Deborah Lippmann polishes due to their propensity to... How do I put it?  Chip like CRAZY.  Well, I decided to give her another chance.

So I love Footloose.  I am not ashamed to admit it.  I love the original movie, I love the musical, and damnit... I enjoyed the remake kinda sorta.  Not as much as the original, but you know what?  Stop hating on it, Footloose lovers, it was fun and I loved the newer takes on all the music!  Absolutely adored the new versions of Holding Out For A Hero, Footloose, and... Almost Paradise.

So when I saw that Deborah Lippmann was doing a footloose collection, I'll admit I was tempted.  But then I realised that the only one that I really liked was Almost Paradise.  But... With that Lippmann formula and crazy price tag, I didn't bite.

But then.... Someone emailed me to swap, and right there on their list, there it was!  I bit, they bit and now I own this lovely, perfect pistachio green polish.  I am in love, for real.  It's so flattering on me, I can't believe it.

It's been on for nearly 24 hours and nary a chip.. Won't be able to do a wear test, but we'll see!

This is three thin coats(two thicker coats would be okay) with Zoya Armor and seche vite(because BUBBLING HOLY HELL), Photos taken in natural light in the shade.


  1. Pistachio greens and emeralds are probably my favorite kind of greens to wear! They're extremely flattering on my skin tone...this is so gorgeous. I have had the same experience with DL polishes, but I usually end up getting them for the name...can't help myself >.<

    1. Haha I love this so much. I say get it! But then again I'm biased..

  2. Oh my, what a pistchioliscious green!!! I love them, they don't love me back :-P I have only recently received my first ever wearable mint/pistachio green and I could not believe my luck!!!!

    1. Greens and I have a finicky relationship too! Many of them make me look sick due to my skin's tendency to be both red and yellow. Essie's Pretty Edgy makes me look like a corpse, for example.

      Which did you get??

  3. This looks really beautiful on you!

  4. Replies
    1. It really is! I might have to eat my DL words..

  5. This is a beauty!! I'm not a fan of the DL price tag either and pretty much swore to myself up and down that I wouldn't ever *think* of paying it for a regular creme, but man, this colour... It really is gorgeous. :D

  6. Oh man, you've re-awakened the lemming. I've been craving a perfect pistachio green for ages, and this is definitely it. Utterly gorgeous.


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