Monday 12 November 2012

Sinful Colors: Secret Admirer

This is going to be a short one!

This is one of the many swatches that sits on my laptop.  Until the day comes when I am willing to share them with the world.

I wore this sometime in October for the first time.  I bought it when I was in NYC for 49 cents at <some drugstore you have in abundance...Walgreens maybe?>.  SA is a black polish with fine black glitter.  Isn't he pretty (yes, it's a he).  It was 2 easy coats. And I decided to put a little glittery ghost stickers on my thumbs just because I'm crazy like that.

ALSO my nails from the other day didn't go to waste!  I ended up going out the next day and keeping it on so the rest of the world did get to see them!

 An unusual amount of my photos came out blurry.  Maybe I was drinking.



  1. Oooooh I've been meaning to buy this one! :D

  2. I just did a post of Julep Leslie that looks EXACTLY like this. This is awesome, I'll have to dupe your funky french =D

  3. I think I might be a secret admirer of this, it's gorgeous!

  4. Looks really awesome with the glittery ghost sticker! I like it!!

  5. Pretty color! The ghost is super cute! :-)
    I'm glad you got to show off your mani from the other day!

    ~ Yun

  6. Love the ghost! Very cute. And this colour reminds me of something, but I can't recall what. Maybe Essie Over The Edge?

  7. Looks so pretty! And what a great price :)

  8. This is right down my alley!!!!! Love it :-)


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