Friday 16 November 2012

My Imaginary Boyfriend Scales The Walls.

I don't have a boyfriend.  But if I did, I can't think of a much better one than Spiderman.  I've loved the past few Spiderman ficks(especially the last one... Andrew Garfield UNF) and I'm just getting into the comics(how I made it through college without them I have no idea, all the boys in my program were obsessed).  So I was pretty bummed when most of the colours in the OPI Spiderman collection were a bit of a bust.  Aside from the two Chanel dupes, I wasn't too interested.

But, somewhere in my search for a kickass white, I picked up My Boyfriend Scales The Walls.  He's not perfect, but he'll do the trick.  This is two coats on most fingers, three on my index because I bumped it.  It doesn't level out as well as I'd like and the formula will take some work, but overall I'm happy.  And I like that the little bit of grey makes it not so stark.

He's cute enough, he'll do the trick.


  1. I really really like this color!! Even though I already have enough whites, it's that grayish tone that did it for me!!!

    1. That's why I liked it too, just that nice slightly greyish bit that made me really like it. I do wish it self-leveled a bit better, but as it's a white I'm taking what I can get.

  2. It looks great on you! I never picked up any polishes from the Spiderman collection.

    1. I got this and the two Chanel dupes in the end. Glad you like it!

  3. This is easily my favourite white--I love it!! I'm already on my 2nd bottle and even have a 3rd on standby. The formula isn't perfect, but it's definitely the best formula for a 'white' polish I've seen yet, and that little smack of grey softens the white so well. =)

    1. I don't know if you saw my other post, but if you want another excellent white, Color Club French Tip(French White?) is a winner in my books as well!

  4. I've heard such great things about this colour! I love how it doesn't look stark white at all, it looks awesome on you!

    1. That's what drew me to it, it's just different enough :)


  5. This color looks so crisp and lean- love it for a mani!

    1. I have a feeling this is going to get a lot of use :)

  6. iLOVE spidey! i have a shirt that says "i met my boyfriend on the web" (which i did!) with him on it. it reminds me of this polish, which i love!


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