Friday 8 June 2012

OPI Swimsuit... Nailed it! and Last Friday Night

So I love blue.  I think it's a beautiful colour and it really reminds me of summer.  I wear so much blue in the summer, and this is one of my favourites!

When the Miss Universe collection came out, I was kind of lukewarm.  I was excited about the glitter, because it's me and I'm always excited about glitter, but the other colours just bored me from the promo shots.

And then I saw Swimsuit...Nailed it.  And we became best friends.  It's PERFECT.  A beautiful blue foil that simply glows from within.  I have loved previously wearing it with a coat of a holographic glitter, like Servin' Up Sparkle, but I decided to try it with Last Friday Night from the Katy Perry collection(one of my top layering polishes!) and I am loving it.  The opalescent glitter shows so many colours and really catches the light beautifully.  It looks like the ocean.  Really gorgeous.

This is two coats of Swimsuit... Nailed It, and then a Last Friday Night gradient on top.

I freaking love instagram.  So easy to share my nails and baking joy <3

Indoor lighting. 

The rest of the photos are outdoor, natural light.

Do you guys like this as much as I do?  What would YOU layer over Swimsuit... Nailed It?


  1. It's gorgeous. I find myself wearing more and more blue as well :)

  2. Omg I need Swimsuit...Nailed It! I don't have any blue foils at all >.<

  3. I am obsessed with this too, it's one of my favourites, soooooooo pretty :D

  4. I love Swimsuit... Nailed It (almost as much as I hate putting ellipses in the title). I've never thought of layering something over it, though! I'll have to experiment the next time I have it on.


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