Saturday 9 June 2012

Jubilee Nails

I have been meaning to post these for a few days now but alas I've either been too busy or exhausted. I used a whole slew of polishes for this. OPI's Dating a Royal, Essie's Fishnet Stockings, Claire's Snowball, some random Avon Metallic and Random gold Avon nail art brush, and China Glaze Medallion. *Notice anything btw?

People were asking me if they were stickers.

2nd set of nails (Left hand)
Thought it turned out fantablous! Especially because it has horizontal lines.  Horizontal lines on nails are the devil I tell ya!

2nd set of nails (Right Hand)
This is a fine example of "I can't use my non dominant hand without it looking like a monkey, on meth, painted my nails.  So I'll just make accent nails with simple dots".  And look how shiny it is.  I love dating a royal...and I love the polish too!  Ba-dum-chssh! I'll be here all week!

1st set of nails.
I didn't like the photos I had of this one as much.  So I didn't put it at the top because I didn't want it to be the picture that popped up on everyone's feed.

Look what I found!!!  They're a tad pricey but I DON'T CARE!!! OM NOM NOM!!!

*Those nails aren't mine.  They are nail covers.  I'm just trying them out.  Not something I'm going to do all the time.  I painted them the same way I normally paint my nails.  They sound funny when I rub my nails together.

Ps.  Sorry again for being a bad blogger :(  This week probably wont be much better.  I MAY try and post something. But I have rehearsals, shows, auditions, homework, and packing to worry about this week so I cant promise anything.


  1. Ooh you did such a good job with those union jacks, I know what you mean about horizontal lines, they're the worst!

  2. OK. Scared of the Marmite rice cakes, not gonna lie. I do like the nails though.

    1. Thank you! The rice cakes were OK. The chips were AMAZING!

  3. Daaaang, those look awesome! Seriously, you did a smash job with the lines, all uniform and straight. Plus the diamond and the golden crown...I'm officially jealous of your skills! ;o)

  4. Wow you did an amazing job! I really love how clean your lines came out for the Union Jacks. Mad skillz!! And I heard terrifying stories about marmite so I'm not sure whether to be excited about those rice cakes or just turned off...>.<

    1. Thanks! Well I love Marmite so when I saw these I knew I had to buy a couple. The rice cakes were just ok. The chips were AMAZING. You should totally try Marmite :)

  5. Love love love the mani! complete perfection

  6. OMG these are freaking AMAZING!!!! Oh and I'm borderline obsessed with your blog! HAHA :)

  7. They look beautiful! I wish I would have participated in the Jubilee celebration!

  8. Amazing- I totally thought those were nail stickers on first glance. I could never get a freehand design so perfect. Awesome jubilee nails, I love them!

  9. WHOA Those lines are so.. perfect! Nice job!

    And HAHAHAHA@ monkey on meth -- I know the feeling :P

    1. Thanks! When you say you know the feeling do you mean painting your dominant hand with the non dominant one? Or you like meth? :P I kid.

  10. wow this is perfect! amazing!

  11. That is awesome! The lines are so straight, they do look like stickers and even awesomer that they are not!

  12. Gorgeous nails, I have yet to try painting fakies.


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