Wednesday 6 June 2012

101... Like Those Dogs

My first dentist trip in 4 years and now this. 100 posts.  It's been a good week.  Really though my teeth are splendid. But never waiting that long again.  Thank you for sticking around for this long.  It means a lot.  *sniff* Now I'm getting emotional in my face.  I would like to thank my family, and friends, John, Steve, Brian,  Anderson Cooper, George Clooney, Take That and everyone who had a hand in this.  Especially the fans.  Without you we could have never made Bonnie and Clyde 2: Rise of the Spider People.

I wont lie.  It's 9am.  I have not slept.  This was going to be a real post but my brain could not do it. I'll do it tomorrow. My nails are pretty bad ass right now.  I wish I could post more often but the real world is making me do things.  Hopefully in a few weeks I'll be posting more often.


ETA:  This post clearly needs a photo of sorts.


  1. LOL you're hilarious! I hate it when life makes me do things when all I really want to do is paint my damn nails!

  2. Aw, congratulations honey. Or honies I guess. :)

  3. Congrats on the milestone! Also I'd like to place my order for a DVD copy of Bonnie and Clyde 2: Rise of the Spider People.

    1. Your name is on the top of the waiting list. It's going to be a while though. Mainly because it was filmed on a flip phone. All 3h and 52 minutes of it.

  4. You go right ahead and get emotional in the face--you've earned it! ^_^

    (grr, stupid life making us do stuff.)


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