Wednesday 8 January 2014

I don't know how I feel about you... I think I just fell out of like.

So just a quick post because I've been a bad blogger this year :P

1)  I don't think I have mentioned it here(or I may have just mentioned it in passing), but we have an Instagram now.  So everyone should go and follow us over there because that's the cool thing to do.  Everyone's doing it.

2)  This man.  All I did was use some white and then I used the saran wrap technique and blotted on Essence Ultimate Pink and Milani Dude blue.  I finally ended with a square neon pink stud from The Born Pretty Store.  I don't know if I like it.  I liked it when I originally finished it, but I kinda just fell out of like.  There's nothing wrong with it, I just had a really short like affair.

What do you think about this mani?  Are you in like with it?

*The colour of the pink stud was REALLY hard to capture in some of these.  In real life it is probably closer to the second picture.

Also if you would like to buy these studs you can get them here. And you can also use our 10% Born Pretty Discount code EAL91.

*Some products were sent for review.


  1. I like it too - especially the effect of the saran wrap :)

  2. I love pink and blue combination! :)

  3. Definitely in like - maybe not the studs, but the rest :)

  4. Hmm - the concept is great, but I think the colours make it a bit too over the top. This would probably look awesome in black/grey!

  5. I like it, it's a pretty saran wrap! :-)

  6. i really like this, lovely colors!

  7. I like it, I can see how the studs change the look. I will try this once I figure how to do the saran technique. Thanks for sharing your beautiful work. ♥BnB♥

  8. I'm kind of MEH about this too-


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