Thursday 2 January 2014


Wow, so almost 2 years(Jan 21st) and over 400 posts later this blog is still a thing.  We would like to thank the academy.  Also the producers and writer.  George Clooney you are great, and you deserve this.  Finally we would like to thank the fans.  Without you guys we would not be standing here on this fictional podium.

I know, shut up and get to the prizes :P  Well we don't actually have the prizes...yet.  We need your help for that.  We are having a wishlist giveaway!  What's that you ask?  Here's the deal, you send us your polish wishlist and we send you 3-5 polishes off of it!

- Send us a link to your wishlist.  No wishlist, no prizes.
- Make sure we are able to see that wishlist.
- This is an international giveaway, but please make sure shipping polish to your country is ok.
- Please have at least 15-20 polishes on your list(you can have more), but we would love a selection.
- Know that we are not made of money, so please make sure you have a decent number of reasonably priced polishes.  Which leads to the next point.
- We have the right to select a new winner if we don't think your wishlist is possible.  So maybe you shouldn't enter if your wishlist consists of only Dior, discontinued Chanel polish, and a bunch of HTF polishes.
- That being said you don't have to limit yourself and not put discontinued/HTF stuff, but be aware that some discontinued stuff can either be pricy or just really hard to find.  But that doesn't mean we wont try.  So try to have a least a fair number of polishes that are somewhat easy to find :P
- ETA:  Feel free to add brands as a whole to your list. (So you can put OPI down and saw what type of colours you like for example). 
- ETA:  Because I have already taken a peek at some of the wish lists ;) I'm going to say you can add things like stamping plates.  But please still have mostly polish.
- Must be over 18, or have parental permission.
- Must complete all mandatory entries.

Extra Info 
- Ends Feb. 15th, Midnight EST. (So plenty of time to make a wishlist up :P)
- While some polishes are harder for us to come by don't exclude stuff.  We still may somehow be able to get out hands on it.
- Know that receiving the prize may take longer than normal as after we choose a winner we still have to go about finding the polishes.
- We will keep the winner updated on the polish hunt if they like.  If they want a surprise we can do that too!
- Feel free to edit your wishlist while the contest is running.  We will not look at them till after the contest is over. 
- A giveaway like this is new to us(and I don't think I've seen it any where else before) so please be patient with us if you see some flaws.
- If something is confusing you don't hesitate to ask. 

How do I make a wishlist to send?
- Make a Pintrest wishlist board.
- If you have a blog you may already have one on it, but a wishlist tab.  Send us that link!
- Create a Google Doc.
- Facebook photo album
- Tumblr entry
- Amazon wishlist.  If you have the Amazon app on your browser you can add stuff to your wishlist from other sites.
- Elfster
- If there's another way please tell us and we will add it to the list.

So here's to two years!  Oh and I guess Happy New Year...

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is a great giveaway. Thank you!
    Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Why did you choose this name for your blog?

    1. 2 reasons. 1)I love Norse mythology. And there's something about a bad ass woman, flying around on her horse, choosing who lives and who dies in battle. 2)There's a sitcom called Frasier. In one episode his brother is high on drugs before going in to heart surgery and he confesses to Fraser:

      Niles: Remember when we were kids and I was wearing your opera cape and you pushed me down the stairs?
      Frasier: Yes.
      Niles: You didn't push me. I jumped. I was trying to fly like a Valkyrie.

      I don't know why but these lines are my favourite from the show. I wanted to create a blog name to give some indication what the blog was about yet still be creative. And because I had actually watched the episode close to when I created the blog the quote was still fresh in my head. Which led me to think the word Valkyrie does go with Varnished.

      I also just like the image of a majestic lady, on a majestic horse, with majestic nails :P

  3. What a fantastic idea!!
    I love your blog and the way you guys think. Happy blogiversary!
    How long have you guys been friends?

    1. Myself and George(Remember her? She'll be back) have known Robyn going on 19 years, and I have known George going on 20 years. So most of our lives :P

  4. Amazing giveaway!! Congratulations on two years =)

  5. Love this idea, haha. Congrats on the blogiversary!!

  6. What an awesome giveaway!! :) And congrats on 2 years!

    Here's my question (pick one/all/none): favourite non-Dr Who TV series? OR fave quote from fave book/series?

    1. Fawlty Towers! Everyone go watch it! NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I don't have a fave quote from a book/series :(

    2. Oooh, good one!! :D
      Hope this is not unrelated - it sort of makes me wonder: what's your opinion of a certain Mr Douglas Adams? I strongly feel you should be his admirer (hope I'm not wrong! :)).

  7. What a cool idea for a giveaway!

  8. Who is this "we" you speak of? :)

    1. Also the other 2 bloggers who blog here less frequently. But mostly the Illuminati.

    2. And/ or the other bloggers who are part of the Illuminati.

  9. Way to persevere!
    What's your.. um.. favorite polish EVER? If you've already addressed this, please disregard.

    1. Chanel Malice. It's like pure sex in a bottle 0_o. If Aphrodite made a polish this would be it.

  10. This giveaway idea is kind of genius. Congratulations on 2 years! Your blog is one of my favorite nail blogs ever! What started your nail addiction?

    1. Awwwww thanks! I'm not sure exactly what started it but I can say the internet played a big part in feeding it in the beginning. Being able to look up and find things I normally wouldn't have known about just by walking into my local stores.

  11. Happy Anniversary! I didn't know some of the answers so I went with what popped into my head first. Why not?

    1. Because of the catastrophic domino effect it will have on the environment. I don't think any of us want to live on a world where are water becomes combustible at 75°C.

  12. Congratulations! Here is my question: How many polishes do you have?

    1. Last time I counted I had around 250. But I recently gave a bunch away. So It's probably around 230ish now. For a blogger I feel like I really don't have that many :P

  13. Since you know my favourite tea, what's yours?

    1. It depends. If I want ice tea, I use Earl Grey. A latte, Matcha. And when I just want a normal cup of tea I lean towards green teas. My current fav is Organic Green Seduction from David's tea.

    2. Ah, I love Earl Grey! Have you tried Lady Grey? It's one of the only teas I can stomach without adding milk (how very British of me!) It has orange and lemon oil added to it and it's heaven :)

    3. Haha the only tea I'll put milk in is the matcha :P And no I haven't tried it, but I clearly need to :D

  14. you girls are hilarious. what an awesome giveaway!!

  15. Happy anniversary!! Do you have any tips for new bloggers?? I've been a nail art blogger for a year now, never get comments and my views aren't huge...

    1. If you don't already, use other platforms of social media(facebook, tumblr etc). Also make connections. If there is a blog you like it's always good to comment somewhat regularly. When you run a blog you notice people like that are are more inclined to check them out. You can also find facebook groups and make connections and share your nail art and swatches there. Finally when using things like tumblr and instagram, always tag. That way random people can find your stuff. Hoped that helped a bit!

    2. Thank you! I use facebook, twitter, and I'm trying to remember to use Tumblr. I don't understand instagram :/ Do you have any facebook groups you recommend?

  16. What a cool giveaway idea! What are some of the polishes on your wishlist?

    1. Rescue Beauty Lounge Anne.

      That is literally the only thing on my wishlist. I mean there are polishes that I want but if I don't get them I wont care. I really want Anne, and I am sad I don't have her. Especially because I also REALLY love anything that had to do with the Tudor dynasty. Double sadness.

  17. Since y'alls love for bacon is real, what is you favorite type of bacon?! I love the giveaway idea!

    1. Pancetta, and side bacon that has been done IN THE OVEN(This is important, it needs to be of maximum crispiness all over)

  18. Replies
    1. red and yellow and green and brown
      And scarlet and black and ochre and peach
      And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
      And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
      And cream and crimson and silver and rose
      And azure and lemon and russet and grey
      And purple and white and pink and orange
      And red and yellow and green and brown and
      Scarlet and black and ochre and peach
      And ruby and olive and violet and fawn
      And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve
      And cream and crimson and silver and rose
      And azure and lemon and russet and grey
      And purple and white and pink and orange
      And blue

      Mostly blue.

  19. This is an awesome giveaway idea :) Hope you're staying warm!

  20. Thank you for this giveaway. It is amazing that you decided you wanted to help someone get what they want! Why did you guys decide to do it this way instead of the run of the mill I have this product do you want it?!

    1. In real life most of us would rather get either money, or gifts we specifically ask for. And people do gift card giveaways all the time, so we're trying to switch it up. This is probably as personalized as it gets. Most people want to win prizes, but it this case YOU really do want the stuff.

  21. Great giveaway! you can make my polish dreams come true!!! I dont have a tumblr tho.

    1. I refuse to get an instagram so I'm missing out on like five entries :(

    2. That's still 21 potential entries :) And until a month a ago I didn't have an instagram. I finally caved :/

  22. What the heck is Jason Orange, Jason Apple, Jason Dragon Fruit!?

  23. When you hear Ukraine, what's the first thing that comes on your mind? :)

    1. That Ukrainian boxer who is engaged to that American actress.

      *googles them*

      Hayden Panettiere and Wladimir Klitschko.

    2. Nice ;). Vladimir and his brother (also a boxer) are our Ukrainian pride :)

  24. What is your favorite brand of polish? Indie or commercial

    1. While I don't have loads of them A-England is my favourite indie followed by Literary Lacquer and Picture Polish. Add commercial brand it's a tie between OPI(although they are slipping a bit, I wish they tried to step outside the box more), and Berry M...and China Glaze............and Sinful Colors.......................and Butter London. Commercial is a tough one. I like so many for different reasons! :P

  25. This is the greatest giveaway ever! I had a lot of fun creating my wishlist (it's going to be so sad when I'm not the winner), so now it's your turn, what polishes and stamping plates do you have in your wishlists?


    1. RBL - Anne, and MoYou 07 from the Rockstar collection, just because it has Robbie Williams on it.

  26. This giveaway is brilliant! How do you get inspired for your nail art designs?

    1. Other nail artist, or something random will pique my interest. I'm very all over the place.

  27. What's ur fave all time nail polish?

    1. Chanel Malice with A England Lady of the Lake a close second.

  28. Awesome giveaway! x
    Why did you asked about favorite tea?!?! :D

    1. I really like tea and I'm interested to see what type other people like :P

  29. this makes me happy. as to question...what is your favorite pixar movie?

    1. :-D
      I will probably be eternally devoted to wall-e, but The Incredibles is AWESOME.

    2. WALL-E would probably be my second favourite though :)

  30. What's your favorite quote from a Joss Whedon tv/movie?

    1. I'm really have a favorite but one that comes to mind that I like a lot is "Bible's Broken".

  31. Congrats on 2 successful years! I am going on 2 months and learning so much as I share what I know!
    My question is:
    What are your favorite Indie and 'pro' nail polish makers right now?

    1. A England and sort of OPI. OPI is my fav pro nail brand BUT I haven't really been loving their more recent collections :/ Also I don't know if I would call them pro but Berry M, but when it comes to drugstore brands I like them the best.

  32. Would you wear a bacon-scented nail polish?

    1. Maybe. I would need to smell exactly like bacon. Not "bacon" scent.

  33. Who is jason orange? do you guys have kids? hahha congratulations!

    1. Member of the greatest boy band in the universe. And no. Absolutely not.

  34. You are on a desert island...stranded. You have plenty to eat, but can only have 1 bottle of nail polish. What polish will you have on your nails every day?

  35. how did you learn to do your nails>?....mine suck

  36. This is probably the sweetest idea for a giveaway that I've ever seen. So glad I found y'all!

  37. I haven't don't many popper tutorials but I would love to do some more. What would you like to see?

  38. Thanks for the great giveaway! How did you come up with such an idea?
    ps I'm Elena Rudaya in the Rafflecopter form

    1. Everyone wants to win a giveaway, but there's something that gets you a bit more excited about it when it's such a customized prize. At least that's how I look at it :P

  39. Gfc Enrica Festari
    Fb Enri Festari email

  40. thanks! :)

  41. How and why did you start writing your blog? :)

  42. This giveaway is awesome <3 Will you visit my blog?

  43. Thanks for the chance. How`s the weather out there? :D

  44. Such a great idea this wishlist giveaway! :D I never seen anything like that! Thanks for the chance, and happy 2 year anniversary! :)

  45. Happy 2nd Anniversary! ^_^ And thank you for this lovely giveaway!

  46. Happy Anniversary!!

    Which is your favorite type of bacon?

  47. Do you believe in ghosts or have you had any ghostly or spiritual encounters? I have. After my Dad died in 2012 a week before Christmas, one night me and my son were taking random pictures around the house, just messing around and we happened to catch 2 bright little orbs (spirits) in one of our pictures. I believe they were my Dad and my big brother visiting us :)

  48. I love how all your nail pictures are done perfectly. I don't know if it's just me or the polish but mine ALWAYS has at least one ratty nail which I do over like three times but each time it just gets worse :P.

  49. How can anyone be so generous?! c:

    But really, matte or shiny?


We love comments as much as we like bacon! And we LOVE bacon! But if you want us to check you out please go to the contact us tab up top and feel free to send us a message. Please don't SPAM!