Wednesday 10 July 2013

Sailor Scouts!

I was going to post this earlier but the weather has been HORRIBLE here.  I didn't have any power for quite a few hours last night and the internet didn't work.  This morning the power was back but the internet wasn't.  I eventually went out in the afternoon and right before I left the internet came back on! Yay!  On the bright side(and this has nothing to do with the weather but) our tumblr passed 1000 followers! :):):)

I've talked about this before but I do a fan fiction show once a month where sketch troupes read fan fiction.  This month was Sailor Moon.  While I wasn't a huge fan growing up I did watch it enough that I was excited about this show.

I decided to do Sailor Scout nails.  I used the top half of their outfits.  For the most part I free handed most of this with acrylic paint.  Which is quite new for me as you can probably see.  Generally my nail art is dots, lines, blobs or drawn on with a pen, simple things.  And while this wasn't hard it was for sure something different for me.  I enjoyed it, and maybe I should do more actual freehanded designs!  I also ended up using Barry M Navy, and Racing Green, NK Vibrant Orange and I don't remember the red at the moment.

Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Sailor Moon, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury

Also this happened at the show.  We had a majestic transformation scene!

Ps. Happy Birthday Jason (Orange...You know from Take That...if you have entered our giveaways you would know...or if you like Take That)


  1. omg omg omg oh.em.gee this is the cutest mani i've ever seen!

  2. You SHOULD do more freehand designs, this is gorgeous :)
    How frustrating to be without power, we are so dependent on it - we are lucky here in Denmark, the weather conditions never really cause that big problems...

  3. Amazing, can't believe you don't do this more often. Your thumb came out soooo good!

  4. Absolutely amazing! I didn't even realize I was humming the Sailor Moon theme while I was looking at your pictures!

  5. OMG I love Sailor Moon! ^_^ Definitely one of the most awesome manis EVER!!

  6. I looooooooooove Sailor Moon and I love this mani! True Story: I taught myself raw HTML when i was 14 to make a Sailor Moon fan-site. I used to read the episode overviews for the ones that hadn't been dubbed or subbed yet. -_-

    1. Haha you sound like my friend(she's in the photo in the floral skirt), She was also telling us how she would read the overviews online. And she can sing the theme song in Japanese :P

  7. This is AMAZING!! I have about 200 episodes sitting on my hard drive that I can't bring myself to watch though because Usagi's voice in the subs is SO ANNOYING D: I love this show though.

  8. wow this is amazing! really, its perfect, love it!

  9. Fantastic manicure! My favourite is your thumb nail! :-)

  10. Hehe this is a super cute mani! :)

    ~ Yun


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