Saturday 6 July 2013

Nubar Jewel - My very first holo!

Just a quick post today,  First off let me start with a giant huzzah!  Our tumblr passed 1000 followers!  Now onto the polish :)

This is actually my very first I guess you would call proper holo!  I bought it 2 years ago off of Amazon for around half the original price.  Finally about a week or so ago I wore it for the first time. I don't know why I waited so long!

Jewle is a brown scattered holo, that flashes a sort of pinkish hue.  I used 3 coats but you can easily get away with 2.  The finish is a bit gritty when it dries but a top coat eliminates most of it.  You can always add another thin layer if it's not perfect.  You can easily find this still on  If you are in America you can get it off Nubar's website(no international shipping).

What was your first holo?  And did you ever have a polish that took you forever to use for the first time?


 Natural light


  1. I am in love with this! I have become a little obsessed with finding the perfect brown holo, will need to try this one out!
    and yes - i have plenty of polishes that took forever to try.. some were worth the wait, some not.

  2. Wow... that's really beautiful! I just love a good scattered holo! You did a fantastic job capturing the sparkles in this one. :)

    ~ Yun

  3. This looks really cool - I have it and haven't used it :s

    I don't remember what my first holo was, but I do remember that I fell in love instantly when I saw Hits Ares - the red holo. It was on my wish list forever, and I was thrilled when I finally got it about 6 months ago. I still haven't tried it on - the bottle is so small!! :D

  4. I don't know why you waited so long to try it :-) It is really beautiful! :-)

  5. I love it! I guess my first holos were Golden Rose ones :)


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