Friday 28 June 2013

Random Wednesday: This is a VERY improtant post. It's Doctor Who related.

Now as you might have noticed I like the show Doctor Who quite a bit.  And if you even follow the show a bit you probably know that the most recent Doctor, played by Matt Smith is leaving.  I now present you with my thoughts on this.

First off Nine is my Doctor.  I don't ever get why people skip over Nine.  As far as the new series goes it would be like reading a book and skipping over the first 7 chapters.  Not only is Christopher Ecceleston a bamf, and phenomenal actor, but he sets the entire series up for you.  I also find him very attractive.

Next is Ten.  I think David Tennant was great(And of course with him came one of my favourite companions Donna Noble).  Unlike Nine he had more of a quirkynes to him.  Bad ass and adorable.  What's not like.

Then we get to Eleven.  Oh Eleven.  I don't know if this makes sense but I like how Matt Smith plays Eleven.  Out of all the recent Doctors he is probably the one who is most all over the place.  Which I think he plays well and it works for him.  My problem with Eleven is everything else.  Matt Created a great character, but out of all the new series he's story lines were the weakest,  and plot and character development were spotty at best.  These and a combo of other things made Matt my least favourite Doctor.

And for the record I don't blame Matt.  My pretty, painted finger of judgement is pointed squarely at Steven Moffat the show's showrunner.  He also seems to think bigger is better.  I liked Doctor Who when the sets weren't the best!  My point is I personally don't like the direction he took the show. With a few exceptions the episodes he has been the showrunner for have been the weakest IMO as a whole with a few exceptions(Vincent and The Doctor).

Now when Matt leaves I want to say I would love a female Doctor, I would love to say I want a companion who doesn't have a twinge of romantic feelings for the Doctor a la Donna Noble,  I would love to say I hope they get a brilliant actor/actress with an amazing range to replace him that brings something new to the table.  The thing is I fear that under Moffat's reign he would manage to jack up those scenarios.  Especially the female doctor.  If that's going to happen someone else needs to be the showrunner.  That being said I would not mind if he wrote episodes every now and then.  The Empty Child, The Girl in the Fireplace and Blink are some of my favourite episodes!

*All opinions are mine.  Feel free to disagree.


  1. I was completely under the impression that Neil Gaiman wrote Blink but according to wikipedia I'm wrong. In any case, you should check out NG because he is an amazing author =3

    As for the romancing... so, I don't watch Doctor Who yet (YET, it's a matter of time with me and these things) but don't you feel this is the opportunity to introduce a different relational dynamic to a female Doctor with a male companion? Or rather, the same one, with genders reversed. It's not seen often.

    For that matter, could it also be a female companion? With romantic feelings? Is Doctor Who going to reflect the social changes going on right now? I would actually watch that.

    Thanks for the summary by the way! It gives me a place to start for when I actually do get down to this. :3

    1. I have no problem with a female Doctor with a male or female companion. It's a big step but one day I would LOVE to see it happen. But is has to be done right. The last thing I want to see is a female Doctor under the helm of Steven Moffat. I would not trust such a big thing in his hands.

      The thing with having romance in the show is it can get tiresome. For the most part 90% of the opposite sex companions in the show have romantic feelings for the Doctor at one point or another. It's rare to find a strong female companion who wants NOTHING to do with the Doctor in a romantic way.

  2. I loved and watched Dr. Who back when I was a teen and young adult and it was a favorite of mine. No one else 'got it" Where were my fellow Whovillians when I needed them? Ha ha now let me tell you how long ago this was.... I think I watched the original Dr. Who. Like number 1. Or at least the first 4. Think back to a time before you were, like circa 1979 or 1980. Yeah, that was my Dr Who. I hated when I really got attached to a Dr and then they would change him out. Pffffft! How dare they?

    1. That sound like Tumblr when they announced Matt Smith was leaving :P

  3. Nine is my fave too, so you aren't alone there. I loved Matt alot too though, and I think you were right about his storylines being very weak. I feel like I tuned out alot of episodes when he came on board, they weren't as interesting as the ones with 9 and 10. But I loved the "spunk" he brought to the show. I hated all the revamping of the Tardis and the theme, over and over...if its not broke don't fix it man!

    1. Ugh. I didn't even think about the new TARDIS. The only thing I like about it is the Gallifreyan above the console.

  4. I was a Doctor Who fan from way back when...the original show. MY Doctor was number 5, Peter Davison. I got to meet him at a 1985 Doctor Who convention (like I said, I was pretty hard core), and I pretty much salivated all over myself in his presence.

  5. I don't know... my Doctor is Ten, so I didn't make it easy for Matt Smith to capture my heart, but in the end I must say he did a great job. That said, I do agree some of the stories weren't the best, but the whole River thing? That was one involved storyline and I love how it ran through so many seasons. Same with Clara - the last episode was mindblowing (though Neil Gaiman's cybermen episode beat that in terms of horror and fascination).
    I'm not sure what I'm trying to say - I guess I don't blame Moffat either, but let's see what happens.
    I'm definitely on board with the whole romantic thing, I loved Donna for many reasons, and her "eww, he's an alien, why would I want to snog him" attitude was one of them.

    As for the new Doctor, Neil Gaiman says it better than I could: "I want to squint at a photo of the person online and go “but how can that be The Doctor?”. Then I want to be amazingly, delightedly, completely proven wrong, and, six episodes in, I want to wonder how I could have been so blind. Because this is the Doctor. Of course it is." (Quote from Neil's journal)

  6. SPOILER MUCH?!! Lol jk, I'm not up to date. I'm actually still on the season with David Tennant as the doctor...I've been taking my time because he is my FAVORITE! I LOVE QUIRKY GUYS <3 I would love the see a companion who isn't attracted to the doctor though...things get so cheesy sometimes that I feel embarrassed watching it lol.

  7. 10 is my doctor :) 11 is great. I mean seriously, I don't think the new doctor 12 will be even as good as Matt! I can't see anyone replacing Matt o.O But then, i thought that about David and guess what? Matt surprised me :D He is an awesome and funny doctor. I love the whole Pond/Doctor relationship, even though Rose and 10s Lovestory is still my favorite. I just rewatched 9 through 11 again and *sigh* I wish the writers would have given 9 and 10 stories just as great as 11s...Don't you agree?


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