Wednesday 26 June 2013

Incoco Temptress and other things that are going on finger nail wise.

So today I have the last set of nail polish appliqués that I was sent to review from Incoco.  I decided that this time I didn't want to do a whole manicure with this.  And for the record I don't think I've ever done this before.  I find it hard to do multiple different nails and have it all be cohesive.   But I think I pulled it off!

Anyways Temptress is a black nail appliqué with random purple lines.  Normally I would find the appliqués that fit my nails best.  But this time since I wasn't doing a full mani I used the 2 largest sizes and cut them down to fit my nails.  Once that was done application was easy.  I finished off with China Glaze Angel Wings on my ring finger and H&M Plum on my pinky and thumb along with some studs from the Born Pretty Store.

Overall I really like Incoco's nail polish appliqués.  They are thin, flexible and you can stretch them without distortion.  I also really like the fact that they are nail polish, they aver very natural looking(as far as polish goes...if that makes sense).  And I love the idea of having a bunch of these and using them for things like vacations or accent nails. 

If you would like to get your hands on some of these head on over to Incoco's website.  They retail for $8.99USD each.

*Product sent for honest review


  1. I like the idea of them being real polish too. They're pretty, I like them. :)

  2. This mani looks so good! I love how natural looking these nail appliques are! :)

    ~ Yun

  3. I am just going to have to order those studs. I really like the way they look in a mani. At first I thought you had used crackle polish instead of strips. I still like crackle polish and it does still have a place in my nail art.

  4. I had no Idea it was appliques, as Yun say, they look really natural!

  5. This mani looks awesome! Seriously!

  6. I love your mani!

  7. Gorgeous! Great colors! Love that wrap design too!

  8. Nice design! They look very natural! :-)

  9. i love this look, beautiful!


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