Wednesday 29 May 2013

Vein Nails: I have a semi. A semi fail that is.

Do you ever have one of those ideas?  Really random, weird ideas?  I do.

Well the other day I was thinking of transparent animals, because no one can stop me.  That lead to me thinking of veins that you can see through skin.  And I wondered could I do that on nails?

I knew I was going to have to sandwich blue in between a sheer nutral.  Now I had nothing that matched my skin so I used a random Nailene french mani polish.  As well as Milani Dude Blue(ugh) for the veins.  Finally I added a layer of matte topcoat.

Now there's a few things you should take note of when looking at these photos.  1) The Camera tends to make the Nailene polish look a lot yellower when under light that's not natural.  2) The more light the less visible the veins were in photos.  In real life they look more like the last 2 photos.  Which were taken with a tiny bit of natural light 3) What I'm trying to say is these were IMPOSSIBLE to photograph.  Any lighting I would consider good lighting essentially washes out the veins.

Now this is a semi fail because this actually looks pretty cool in real life.  The "skin" looks a lot more natural and the veins are a bit more visible.  But not too visible.  Enough that they look sort of like veins :P

You guys get any weird nail ideas?  Do you actually go through with them even though they my fail? 


  1. Okay those are weird. But yeah, I guess you did transparent nails. I would never have thought of transparent animals, unless you count jellyfish or ghost shrimp. .

  2. Kas, these are super cool! I love it when you get "those" ideas. ^_^

  3. This idea *is* weird, but I love how it looks! I wish it would look that pretty in real life o.O""
    Once in a while I have some crazy idea too and I mostly go through with them... but I rarely post them ^^;

  4. you have the coolest ideas! it actually came out really well!

  5. It's so cool and well painted, they look perfect!

  6. These are awesome! Definitely something I would play around with closer to Halloween.

    1. Thanks! And they would be really cool for Halloween! And you could get away with more prominent veins! I was going for a more natural look :P

  7. I really like this idea - it's so weird that it's cool! :D

  8. Haha this is such a neat idea... a little freaky, but cool! :D

    ~ Yun

  9. Cool, but I see not only veins, but also lightnings here! ;P

  10. Cool idea! I don't think it's a fail, it really looks like veins under the skin :-)

  11. Kind of creepy! Totally appropriate for halloween lol

  12. That is bit creepy but very cool

  13. it's actually not bad at all. do it in green or brown instead of you got yourself a nice horror scene in a dark forest for halloween :P


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