Friday 31 May 2013

Random Wednesday: I can't swallow


You're a dirty bunch.

I actually had a review planned for today but the polish I wanted to use for a base (Cult Nails Time Traveler) bubbled like crazy and I don't know.  The formula was just off.  So instead I'm doing this.

Yes it's true I can't swallow pills.  Now before you start giving me advice know that I have heard it all. "It's easy," "Throw it to the back of your throat then just drink water," "Put water in your mouth first then pop it in.  That way you don't know it's there."  I get it guys.  Let me start by saying it is a head thing.  In theory I know it's not hard to do but I just can't do it.  There  is something that just stops me and that is the hard thing to get over.  I can swallow food and...other things(;P) but for some reason whole idea seems hard for people to understand.

Now you are probably wondering how do I take medicine?

1) Things like Oxycodone or Acetaminophen that aren't coated I put in hot chocolate and let it dissolve completely.  So long as it's not cotaed it's wicked easy to dissolve.  The hot chocolate generally tastes a bit less sweet but it's not bad.

Other drugs I wont mix apart from coated are iron(it made the hot chocolate taste like blood), and antibiotics(It tastes like licking the floor on the deepest darkest pits of hell.)

2) When I had my wisdom teeth out they prescribed antibiotics.  They originally gave me "easy swallow" capsules.  And let's be honest that really wasn't the time to learn and they ended up tasting horrific in hot chocolate.  I eventually got the drug in liquid form.  It tasted pretty good!  So I will get stuff in liquid form.  Loads of drugs come in liquid form you just have to ask.

3) Gummies.  I take my multivitamin in gummy form(they make them for adults).  It's actually the worst because you want to eat them all.

4) Things like ibuprofen generally come coated or in gel.  If you dissolve these they are horrific.  They are generally too harsh and will burn going down.  So when I have aches and pains(like my back the other week) I will sometimes use children's medicine.  I don't actually take a higher dosage because they recommend if possible you dose by weight.  I fall just outside the highest dosage by a couple pounds.  And yes, it does work AND taste like fruit punch.

5) I don't mind needles.  It hasn't come to this but I realize that some drugs do come in liquid form but need to be injected.  

I just keep getting weirder and weirder.  Questions?


  1. Don't feel bad. I've never been able to swallow pills. I take a chewable multivitamin and chew up ibuprofen. I have migraines and I even chew up my Excedrin. That's not fun. And you're right. It's a head thing.

  2. I can swallow pills if they aren't dry and chalky. I take liquigels. I can't swallow anything chalky like antacids or Milk of Magnesia or Maalox or vitamins. They have a funky smell and I have to spit it out, It just won't go down. No matter what. Textures in general are weird.

  3. Hahaha - you are too funny...
    I can swallow - pills, that is ;) - a handful if need be, but I easily can imagine how terrible it is not being able to...

  4. For the longest time I couldn't swallow pills, then I started taking the pill. The thought of having my mom crush up my birth control pills and put them in jam was motivation enough to force myself to swallow them. :P I still can't take really large pills.

  5. I usually have my tablets with food, that works best for me. I chew the food until it's ready to go down, then stuff the pill(s) in and swallow it all together :D

  6. I don't have this kind of problem (unless the pills are very dry and big), but my mother has exactly the same problem as you... When I think about my mother and pills, I see her choking or drinking something like 2 glasses of water to "send the pill down"! :-)

  7. It used to take me forever to swallow pills, I found that drinking something carbonated helps.

  8. Don't worry, you're not alone. :)
    I either crush them between spoons and pour some drops of water on them or ..ugh, chew - yes, most of them taste awful, but it's still more manageable.

  9. They actually make adult ibuprofen in liquid form. My BF had to take it after surgery (He couldn't have ANY solids for 24 hours after, not even pills). It was unflavored, he said it tasted horribly bitter. But I've never seen it in a store, his came from the hospital...

  10. the more i read about you, the more i think we are twins separated at birth. I have only recently learned to swallow pills (Im 23 years old). and they have to be small. I have a pill cutter that i use for almost everything to cut in half so i can swallow it. before i learned to swallow pills, i also had a pill grinder and i would grind my pills into powder and then mix them in apple sauce. that or i would take the liquid version. the way i learned to take pills was to start small. my birth control pill was too tiny to grind up so i had to learn to swallow that. once i mastered that i was able to cut up my bigger pills with the pill cutter into birth control sized pieces. now i only have to cut my pills in half. but i know how you feel. i was always so annoyed when people would try to help me swallow pills and NO ONE understood that i just couldn't do it.

  11. I hate swallowing pills, but I'd rather do it than taste the medicine.

  12. Hehe we all have our weird tendencies. Though I'm usually ok with swallowing pills, every once in a while, I think about it too hard, and then it's just like stuck there in the back of my mouth no matter how much water I try to down. I'm glad they have medicine in other forms so it's easier for you. :-)

    ~ Yun

  13. Ok you are a freak of nature-first the thing with your socks and now this? I have to admit I was thinking dirty thoughts when I read your title-but then saw it was about pills. I generally chew mine-yes gross but it's over and done with fast. The part about antibiotics and liking the floor of hell had me freakin Rolling on the floor! you crack me up chickeeeee

  14. Interesting lol. You're really weird but I love it! And gummy multivites are the BEST! I can't take the pill ones because those give me a tummy ache, the gummy vitamins don't and they help me with my sweet tooth! I also never forget to take them because they're gummies and I always want to eat them lol.

  15. My boyfriend couldn't swallow pills because he just didn't know how. It was really bizarre but once I explained that he needs to take in enough water so the throat opens up to take all of it down at once...

    I imagine that's not your problem =P This post was interesting. I swallow easily ;)

  16. I don't usually have a problem with swallowing pills, as long as they're small and/or capsule shaped. The problem I have is with round pills. It's terrible. They ALWAYS get lodged in my throat. Like, totally close it off, and if I try to swallow a bunch of water to wash it down, sometimes it can't get around the pill and just gushes back out my mouth. It's very scary, panicky, and unpleasant! The worst are those round Tylenol "EZ tabs". Easy, my ass. Yeesh.

  17. There may be a physical reason, not just a psychological one. My sister couldn't swallow pills because she had a tongue thrust. I think it is when the tongue pushes forward when swallowing instead of pressing upward against the hard palate/roof of your mouth. It was identified as part of evaluating her mouth for braces as a teen. She had lessons to learn how to swallow "correctly" in order to keep her teeth from getting pushed into bad positions.


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