Saturday 4 May 2013

Gone. But at least I have my very first piCture pOlish!

So sadly everything was in fact erased from my laptop.  They have no clue what went wrong with it but no one could seem to get in.  So all my writing is gone from the past 5 years and all my boy band photos.  *cries*.  Everyone should go back their stuff up right now!

While it was shitty(I only cried once).  I did get something that made me feel a tad better the next day!  My first piCture pOlish! I actually got this from the boy because he didn't go to one of my shows. 

piCture pOlish Cosmos is part of their Collaboration collection and was created in collaboration with Camille of Pshiiit.  Cosmos is rich dark blue jelly filled with shimmery scattered holo flecks.  It went on easy as ever in 2 coats!  It is STUNNING in real life.  Pictures do NOT do it justice!  It's what the night sky looks like it movies that have a really huge budget!

I NEED more of these polishes.  NEEEEEEEEEDDDDDDD.

Ps.  Giveaway winner will probably be announced Monday!  Stay tuned!


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about all the lost stuff from your laptop :(
    That polish is stunning, I LOVE it! :)

  2. It looks stunning! ^_^

  3. Sorry for your painful loss of your work : ( That just stinks.

    This is the best polish to fix your bruised heart. It is very beautiful and deep looking.

  4. Sorry to hear you couldn't get any of your content back. :(
    The polish is gorgeous though!

  5. So sorry to hear your Mac died. They couldn't hook up the hard drive to another motherboard? IDK if you can do that with a laptop... I've only ever had desktop comps.

  6. I LOVE this polish!! It's absolutely gorgeous!! I can't wait to try my bottle!!
    Sorry to hear about your Mac :(

  7. i'm so sorry for your loss :( this is such a gorgeous polish though!

  8. DUDE!!! Is this not the most gorgeous polish you've ever laid eyes on??? I totally think so!

  9. Oh no, that's awful, I'm really sorry! I had that happen once - the writing and the photos were the greatest loss for me.
    I'm glad the polish cheered you up a bit - it really is lovely.

  10. OMG how terrible - I learned the hard way too 13 years ago...
    But the polish is gorgeous!!

  11. Oh my gosh, that's terrible. I'm so so sorry to hear that. :(
    That's a beautiful polish!

    ~ Yun

  12. I'm sorry for your loss, it's terrible. Also I learned the lesson the hard way 2-3 years ago... :-/
    piCture pOlish Cosmos is stunning! :-)


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