Monday 29 April 2013

I'm going to call this art.

So I have an appointment with those Mac Geniuses tonight and we'll see what going on with my laptop.  Until then I am relegated to taking iPhone photos, uploading them to tumblr, and then uploading them to photo bucket where I attempt to tag them.  Like some neanderthal.  Also the compute I'm using right now is so-so.  I gets the job done but as far as photo quality on this computer I can't actually tell if photos look good or not.

If they decided to keep my laptop hostage I will still try and post.  But unless it is a proper review for something that was sent to us I won't be taking photos with a real camera.

Well yesterday I really wanted to do some nail art but I had no clue what I wanted to do(as usual).  My brain immediately was drawn to these colours(I would name them but all the bottle are in another room and I don't have it in me to get them atm).  In the end I ended up blobbing them together.  My only problem was it bubbled a bit but it's not that noticeable so I'm not going to complain.

Easy nail art.  My favourite!


  1. LOL Neanderthal. ;) Love it. And love your art. Very awesome.

  2. lol you are too funny

    this reminds me of those big square crayons that were made up of all those colors.

  3. I love it! how did you do it?

  4. I like it! Very abstract.

  5. Bright and happy colors, love it!

  6. What a coincidence: My favourite nail art is easy nail art too! :)
    I love the colours you put together!

  7. Hehe... good luck with your computer appointment! This mani's super cute! I love the colors you picked out! :-)

    ~ Yun

  8. So bright and fun! I like it :)

  9. Such a smart neanderthal! Hope your macbook issues get resolved (if they haven't by now...just catching up on posts >.<)

  10. This is so gorgeous - love the bold and bright colors!


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