Monday 1 April 2013

Flash Giveaway! ETA April Fools!

So because of the success of our previous giveaway I though why not have another one soon after?  Keep the momentum going.  So I found some brand new polishes that while I like looking at the I don't think I love all that much.  And while I could sell them at an inflated price I will instead just hand them out like pricey candy.  And people, really I like followers ok? Oh like sorry, is that a crime? No one ever says they have a giveaway to get a few more peeps on board.  But I'm going to be the first to say a few more fans never hurt.

1) No cheating(as usual).
2) The general stuff (Be 18 and if not have your parents know we don't want to be creepers sending packages to you.  International, minus all the countries that have laws that prevents us from sending them. We aren't responsible for lost prizes. To see detailed info check out terms and conditions.)
3) Giveaway ends at midnight tonight.
4) No essay...this time :P

Prizes!(Lol my attempt to make the photo look fancy)
Chanel Malice, Graphite, OPI Smitten With Mittens, Dior Bronze Libertine, Butter London Posh Bird.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'll get you my pretty, and your little polishes too!

  2. I'm sitting here with a silly smile on my face! Best one today :)

  3. Oh, the pain! Haha! Happy April 1st Varnished Valkyrie! <3

  4. I had a great laugh LOL thank you :D And the fact that you added that Benedict Cumberbatch at the end just made it all better ♥

  5. LOL - this was something else - too funny ;)

  6. Wow! What a giveaway! Can't wait to see who wins it! I would LOVE to have any of these pretty babies! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  7. HAHAHAHAHAH!! OMGoodness!! You are hilarous! :)

  8. Really funny :)
    Have a nice day :)

  9. haha! this does not fool me, nobody would giveaway Chanel Malice!!!! Well done, and nice try ;)!

  10. Awh, I had a feeling this was going to happen :( haha. Whatever, entering it anyway hahah

  11. ahahah I didn't even know where to find the additional terms and conditions, although I did read your rules. You're fabulous!

  12. *in my best Draco voice* Wait till my father hears about this!

  13. Thank you for the giveaway! I really hope it`s not an April`s fool LOL

  14. April Fools! Have an awesome day.

  15. I feel like you dropped a bottle full of acetone over the opened, bleeding wounds the love for those polishes left in my heart. Drama queen talk aside, the prank really got me. Great plan, you evil mastermind.

  16. I feel like you dropped a bottle full of acetone over the opened, bleeding wounds the love for those polishes left in my heart. Drama queen talk aside, the prank really got me. Great plan, you evil mastermind.

  17. Well, I'm going to leave a comment regardless. I'm gullible. And I spy a butter polish I don't own. so I'll take my chances. Hugs back to you.

  18. OMG You're awful! LOL Good one. ;)

  19. I'm a fairly new follower so I was totally clueless and still am but c'est la vie :)

  20. I'm a fairly new follower, therefore I am / was totally clued but... c'est la vie
    happy fool's day

  21. Aww really? I gave away two Chanel polishes as prizes on my Instagram. It's not such a leap.

  22. >.< I totally fell for it!


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