Monday 1 April 2013

APRIL FOOLS! = And people, really I like followers ok? Oh like sorry.

And People, Really I Like Followers Ok? Oh Like Sorry. See what I did there?

First off let me say THANK YOU! Thank you for sticking with us as we messed with you. I set the comments to moderate because I didn't want people figuring out what we were doing. I also want to apologize to Erika who was the first to comment prior to setting it to moderate. I removed your comment so that it wouldn't spoil the joke for everyone.

That being said I should point out one thing. Always read the terms and conditions section. I actually won a giveaway once, I assumed that everything had been said in post. But nope I was wrong. It said international in the terms and agreements section. And just an FYI the terms and conditions section is at the bottom of the widget. And I leave you with a promise. This will NOT happen again...till next year...maybe...

Ps. Did you expect anything less from the girl who puts 54 coats of polish and seaweed on her nails. Seriously?


  1. I'm honestly happy with just that gif of Benedict Cumberbatch... XD

  2. LOL it was pure genious - you fooled me a little while at least ;)

  3. I loved it. I never read the t&c, but I guess I should start, eh? Lesson learned and a great joke.

  4. Like I said on my comment, Benedict make sit all better! :D

  5. dont see how it's ok to say one terms and conditions in the blog post, the other in the widget...didnt think it was funny

    1. Sorry if April Fools isn't a popular thing where you're from or something like that, but here it's a day where you pull pranks on people you know or do something outrageous for a laugh. It's a bummer that you didn't like our joke! Check out other bloggers like scrangie(whose jokes are always good for a laugh!) who also posted jokes of their own.

  6. great blog!

    Hope you have time to visit my blog and maybe enter my giveaway! Thanks!
    Just Tututiny


We love comments as much as we like bacon! And we LOVE bacon! But if you want us to check you out please go to the contact us tab up top and feel free to send us a message. Please don't SPAM!