Tuesday 25 December 2012

MERRY CHRISTMAS! Now let's all take a moment to remember...

Just how adorable my Christmas nails were last year!

Ps.  I hope Santa brought what you wished for!  If not it's probably because you're a bad person.  I'm just kidding!  It's because he's not real. :D

Pps.  While were on the topic did you guys get anything interesting for Christmas?


  1. HAHA I LOVE IT! I didn't get anything too exciting, but I got some new clothes so that makes me happy! Hope you had a good one!

  2. Replies
    1. I'm sorry I worded that incorrectly. He never existed. Better? In a way it's like Santa is dead. In our hearts. Not psychically. You have to actually be alive to die. And to be alive you must be real. Santa's not real.

      Hey look I did word it correctly!

  3. Not real!?? Whatchyu mean not real?!!! Wuuaaaahhhhhh!!!!!

    1. He's about as real as my love for The Big Bang Theory.

  4. Both manis are soo cute! :-)
    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! <3

    ~ Yun

  5. Santa IS real! :P
    Love the manis :D

  6. Love that you did the designs on two fingers <3

  7. Awww...so cute!!! Love the connection of designs, great idea. Love the color combos too for it looks so festive and perfect for this season. Great job!

  8. wow! the christas tree mani looks amazing :)


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