Monday 24 December 2012

Jessica: Glitterati - I don't know! It's weird!

Glitterati is from Jessica's 2012 Holiday Glamourama collection.  Now this is a very strange glitter imo.  I like it but I'm not sure it screams Holiday for one.  Also it's just weird.   When you look at it in the bottle it looks brown or orange, with tiny bits of blue glitter.  Then on an angle there's a colour shift to green.  It's kind of like the glitter version of Nubar 2010...But it's not.  I feel like you wont understand unless you own it, or you came over and looked at my hands(don't).  I used two coats and it was a bit on the thick side.  But thinner will fix that!  And finally as you can see I layered this over black.  On it's own it looks horrible.  Just dreadful.

All in ll though I really like it.  For a glitter it isn't too in your face and yet it is still very noticeable!

It reminds me of fallen leaves, that then turned radioactive.  You know what I mean right?

This is what it looks like in the bottle most of the time.
 Then the rest of the time is goes all crazy like this.

Ps.  Huzzah it's Christmas Eve!  I hope Santa brings you what you asked for.  


  1. This reminds me of Halloween, it's really pretty! Merry Christmas :) :)

  2. I don't know what it is but it looks really cool, and finally they are not copying anyone, but rather making up their own thing.

  3. I think it's gorgeous and now I want it. Lol! :)

  4. Wow that last picture, it DOES look radioactive. NEAT!!!

  5. Very unique, I like this edgy stuff ;-)!!! Merry Christmas!

  6. That's a very interesting and unique polish - Merry Christmas!!

  7. It looks amazing in the first picture

  8. Really interesting polish!


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