Sunday 18 November 2012

Wherein people know me better than I know myself...

So I didn't buy anything from the OPI German collection.  After a cursory glance at swatches there wasn't much interest and I didn't feel like throwing any money at it.

But then, as is often now the case, someone gave me a bottle of polish(As a gift for baking them cookies, how sweet!), and they proved that sometimes people know you better than you know yourself. 

Nein! Nein! Nein! Okay Fine! is an olive-y grey colour that I didn't think was too exciting until I actually put it on my nails.  Now we're in love.  It's so oddly flattering and wonderful!  I can see myself pulling this out for classy occasions.  It's just really cool.  This is two easy coats

I hate the name, though.  I think it was Kas who said it sounds creepy.  And it does.


  1. I love this colour so much--and it looks beautiful on you!! That name, though...ugh. That name is the reason I don't own it. :/

    1. Yeah, that's what stopped me from buying it as well. I can't lie and say I'm not in love with it though, so I'm kind of glad I ended up with it in the end :)

  2. I loved this collection! But this is not one of the colors that picked up from it lol. I think because it looks like CG Concrete Catwalk which I already have. The name is really creepy too, I can't help but read it with an angry German voice...>.<

    1. I have heard the comparison to Concrete Catwalk! I don't own it though, so I can't comment. I ended up also grabbing Every Month Is Oktoberfest because I have no self control...

  3. Forget about the name and enjoy this beautiful polish! It looks very good on you :-)

  4. Looks so good on you! I had the same experience with this polish... The salesman at Cosmoprof, who knows how much I like grey polish, was like "Really? You're not getting this one? You'll regret that." So I got it, and I'm very glad. :)

    1. Hahaha you're like me. I can tell myself I don't need something(because I don't...) and then I end up buying it anyway. I also ended up grabbing Every Month Is Oktoberfest! I just put it on and SWOON. I'm going to top it with Max Factor Fantasy Fire I think.

  5. Yep, the name. Creepy as all get out. Maybe it should have been called "Nein means nein!"? :P That said, lovely colour on you- very chic.

    1. I feel like that's what Kas and I said too! Nein Means Nein would've been way better.

      Thanks! I plan to take this on my upcoming trip for nice dinners out.

  6. Great swatches of an interesting color - with a peculiar name...

  7. Hmmm, I had the same reaction looking at these the first time but maybe I should give one a chance.

    1. You should! Of course, the day I made this post Kas and I went shopping and I took home Every Month is Oktoberfest because I have NO SELF CONTROL.

  8. What a beautiful color and it suits you so well, very elegant and still edgy - I have Zoya Noot and according to all the reviews they're quite close, so I skipped on this ;-).

    1. Thanks :) I think I'll wear it a lot.

      I'll have to look out for that one!

  9. This is really pretty! I love it!


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