Tuesday 20 November 2012


Celebrate 500 followers!
Woot thank you everyone! Here's to another 500 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 more!

Now just a quick post so we can all get back to celebratory drinking.

I wore these Dalek inspired nails for a show I did that involved Doctor Who(I do a lot of those don't I?).  While I have already done Dalek inspired nails these ones in my opinion look 1 000 000 times cooler.  One of my male friends who thinks my love of nails is crazy and is always rolling his eyes at me actually called these nail "gorgeous".  Victory!

All I used was OPI's You Don't know Jacques Suede, OPI's Black Onyx, striping tape, microbeads, and rhinestones.  I have had this on for 5 days so far.  No chipping, or even tip wear :).

Now we can party!

PS. We will have a giveaway soon enough.  And you had better have a favourite member of Take That :P


  1. Awesome mani and I looove this blog post's title :D

  2. Hahaha awesome manicure! You're really good at using striping tape too...I just tried for the first time the other day, so hard to get the lines spaced out evenly. Oh and my male friends usually react the same way...they don't understand the obsession but when I do something neat they're just like whooooaaa *mind blown*!! Psh men. Lol.

    1. Thank you! I actually put 3 pieces of white striping tape down first so I could get straight black lines and space it out properly. Then I removed the white tape and replaced it with the silver/gold tape.

      The thing that REALLY confuses my male friends(and I'm pretty sure this is because most of them don't REALLY understand makeup as a whole) is that I own so many bottles. They don't understand why I need so many when there are only 7 colours. I have to explain how there are sooooooo many variations.

  3. Awesome! Does the little beads bug the heck out of you?

  4. No tipwear?! That is insane!!
    Looks really good! My friend would love this! I think I'll be showing her these, and then she will probably make me paint her nails... but that's okay!

  5. This is awesome! I can't believe the beads would stay on that long! Congrats on your followers!

    1. If you knew just how much top coat was on these you would have said "I can't believe you are going to attempt to take that off".

      I have a fear of having them fall off and eating them so I make sure those boys don't go anywhere.

  6. Yay congrats on 500 followers! That's so terrific! :D :D
    Cool mani! I love the beads on them!

    ~ Yun

  7. Ahahahahahhaa these are SO COOL. Congrats on 500!

  8. GAH! I am all a-squee at these--I love them and need them to be on my hands right now!! Even called Husband in to look, and he was wowed as well. I don't even have the words for this level of fabulous-ity.

    Giant congratulations on crossing 500!! (^_^)

    1. Thank you! I love seeing Whovians who love them :)

  9. Congrats on your 500!!
    That mani is so awesome and cool, so well done!

  10. Heh, I don't have anyone like that in my life, though my boyo does tease me about being "obsessed" with nail polish. (Which is why my blog is called "It's Just a Hobby!" of course!!) But even though he does frequently roll his eyes when I go to show off "my pretties" to him, he still looks and gives me honest feedback on them. And occasionally actually admires them, which is always a big ego boost, 'cause when the guy who doesn't care about them goes, "Oooh those are nice!" you know they're AWESOME! ^_~

    I -love- all your Dr. Who nail art. I'm a huge Whovian. I haven't seen -every- episode of the entire series, 'cause there's been some doctors I just couldn't stand so I haven't gone back to watch them ALL on Netflix, but I've seen every episode of the current ones! Thank the gods for DVR, that's for sure!

    1. The guy I'm seeing over the past few months has started to notice my nails. To the point where he'll grab my hand and look at them :P I'm proud. Actually I got the most flack from my close female friends when I first started. One of them who ALWAYS rolled her eyes at me is now currently a giant polish whore thanks to me.

      Thank you soooooo much! Don't get me wrong I LOVE when people think the nails just look cool, but I especially love it when someone who's also a fellow Whovian loves AND understands them :P

  11. Absolutely brilliant, very clever and you're very talented!

  12. Woo hoo 500! Congrats! These nails are AMAZING!!!!

  13. gggaaaahhhh!!!! these are so cute I can't even handle it! >.< I loooooove them!

    and congrats! :D


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