Sunday 21 October 2012

Random Wednesday!: RUDE!

So every now and then I kind of just want to write a post that has NOTHING to do with nails.  So I decided to start Random Wednesday.  It would be neat for you guys to find out a bit more about me (I can only tell you so much in a swatch post).  And just an FYI I will never post on a Wednesday, and the topics may have to do with nails sometimes.

So a couple of weeks ago I was at a show and I was chatting to a friend.  We were facing each other while talking(Yes the fact that we were facing each other is actually important information).  We were about a foot or so apart. My other friend and fellow performer that night was standing next to us with is back turned to us.  Out of no where a friend of his walks in between my friend and I, taps him on the shoulder, and starts a conversation.  All the while STILL standing directly between us.  We even tried to continue our conversation with her head in between us so she would notice... Nothing.

The hell?  Did the girl think my friend and I were each talking to ourselves and we just happened to be facing AND looking directly at each other while we did?

We eventually just moved on.  But looking back I wish I had said something.  How do you not notice?

Have you had a recent WTF moment?


  1. That bitch! I've had a lot of WTF moments too, but I can't think of any right now as I'm still imagining the rudeness you went through.

    Oh, something just popped in my head: I'm hungry. But also, while watching Sinister last week there was this ahole behind me just chatting on his phone. Seriously just having a conversation with someone like he was in his car by himself. Eventually, boyfriend and I got passive-agressive on his ass and he hung up. I still really wish I would have told someone from the movie theater to kick his ass out.

    Yes, apparently, I'm a tattle tale. I'm not proud.

    1. I hope you got food :P And I'm super surprised NO ONE who worked there said anything.

  2. Some people are just...ridiculous. You're a saint for not saying anything lol.

    1. I'm more surprised my friend didn't say anything. She be crazy sometimes. And part of me was like maybe she didn't know so I should have said something. But even then part of me finds it so hard to believe you wouldn't notice you're awkwardly stuffed in between 2 people who are chatting.

  3. This is so funny!

    A recent WTF moment, yes, a young beggar asked me for a dollar so I was buying him an apple instead of giving him money. His stepmother (!) comes over and asks me why I am buying her son food. I told her he asked me for a dollar and he looked hungry! He looked homeless and hungry! Awkward!

    1. ... I don't even know what to say. I don't even know what I would have done. That's SUPER awkward!

  4. Damn, I'm so outspoken I would have had to say something!!!
    Reading lovenailpolish's comment reminded me of my recent wtf moment. Everyday morning and afternoon on my way to/from work I see this hobbling 'homeless' guy begging for money. 'Homeless' because the asshole wears different clothing everyday!! He even had Nike jacket on once!!! What a duchebag!!!

    1. Ugh. That's like the people on the corner of the street with signs saying they need food. Then they whip out their iPhone.

    2. Yeah, what the hell is with the "hipster homeless" I've been seeing around? Usually they're in a trendier neighbourhood, and they're just kinda chilling out, and I've totally seen them whip out a smart phone. The fact that they have a sign up asking for spare change kind of pisses me off. I feel like it's the poverty equivalent of blackface. I really feel for people who are on the streets with no other option. I never begrudge someone who is homeless a buck (especially women... I feel like they are so vulnerable on the street). But it makes me mad to see young hipster types playing at being "homeless" while using their iPhone with data plan to surf the net. I'd also wager that they have a pretty damn good support network of family and friends. That's usually not the case with many people who are living on the streets. It makes light of a serious issue and a serious situation. ANYWAYS. What I'm tryin' to say is that it grinds my gears. :P

    3. Yeah and mummy and daddy are probably paying for that phone too. I've also had them also ask me for weed. Priorities!

  5. I'm pretty excited for your Random Wednesdays to come!

    That is incredibly rude! I hate when people are don't realize your in a conversation! People always interrupt me when I'm in the middle of talking to someone!

    One WTF moment I had recently was when I was letting someone crimp my hair. The crimper was probably a good 2.5 inches, and she would start it out normally, and then when it was time to move it down, she would just move it half of an inch! That made my hair look beyond ugly and kinky! Then it was smoking really badly, so I said something to her about it, and she said it was just smoking because it was hot. Yeah, TOO hot! I could smell my hair burning! I only let her do half of my head and then just put my hair in a bun.
    I went home and even after shampooing, conditioning, deep conditioning, and leave in treatment, my hair still smells bad! ..And it's been 2 days of that regimen! Now I'm terrified that my hair is going to break off if I use any heat on it!

    1. Wow. Well I'm really glad in your case you said something before she could finish. I hope your hair is going to be ok.

  6. A hairdresser recently told me my hair was "really f*cked up". I do bleach it and dye it fairly regularly, it IS really f*cked up, it was freshly bleached that day. don't say things like that to clients! At least it was a good haircut.

    1. She's lucky it was a good haircut! I'm sure there's other ways of telling people that.

  7. My life is comprised of WTF moments, almost all work related... The funniest one so far was when someone called, asking for a portable gloryhole... And then had the audacity to get pissed when I told him to go to Home Depot.

    1. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you have the best job ever!

  8. One of my big WTF moments happens all. the. time. I don't know if it's just standard practice here in Hong Kong or what, but at least once a week I'll be getting on the lift behind someone else, and the second they step in, they mash on the Close Door button as if it's their own, personal elevator. Like the fact that the person standing THREE FEET AWAY from them wants to use the lift too is just too ridiculous even to consider. Fortunately I've gotten pretty good at jamming my arm in the door before it closes and shouting, "Oi! I'm here too!" in Cantonese. ;)

    1. Good grief. That's just as bad as seeing someone 10 feet away looking at them running, and pressing the Close Door button.


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