Sunday 21 October 2012

Lesbihonest here, Manglaze is effing AMAZING.

So I was recently doing some digging in a box that I still hadn't unpacked from my move, and I found a bunch of birthday cards from the past couple of years.  I was reading them and found an amazon gift card in one that I had forgotten about!  I don't shop on amazon much, so color me surprised to see that Manglaze has an amazon shop!  I decided it was fate, having wanted to try their polishes for quite some time.  I had $25 to spend, so I picked up two polishes: Lesbihonest and Mink Mitten, which are a gorgeous raspberry pink and a shimmery lavender.  I only own one matte polish besides, and I never really wear it because stuff chips so fast on me that the idea of going without topcoat just seemed crazy, but Manglazes are just so amazing that I needed to try...

Well, I'm in love.  These are like, A England levels of amazing for me.  One thick coat or two thin ones(I went for two thin) and it's STUNNING.  I'm on day 3 now and I have a teeny chip on the index finger of my right hand, but that's from helping a patron who was falling at work yesterday.  Other than a wee bit of tip wear on my swatch hand, this stuff is wearing like IRON!  I'm going to top it with Seche Vite shortly and see what happens.  Consider me a Manglaze convert.  Aside from a chronic inability to paint my right middle finger nicely(I redid it like 6 times) I am loving these.

So, Lesbihonest is actually a deep raspberry pink, not QUITE as bright as it appears here, but it's a dickens to photograph!  Absolutely amazing in any case.  I've had so many compliments on this manicure.  Easily in my top five favourite polishes now.

 Better hand position?  Methinks yes.  

With flash, for the shimmer! 


  1. It's gorgeous! I love the colour and the finish, and I can't wait to try it on myself!

    1. Do it! It's well worth it, and absolutely awesome formula.

  2. Replies
    1. Me too, now! I'm so glad I took the plunge.

  3. Mrowr! I need this polish so. hard.

  4. Mmm, love this one! Man Glaze is definitely one of my fav brands, up there with a-england, as your mentioned!


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