Wednesday 19 September 2012

Zoya - Sloan: Why is your shimmery face in the discount bin? :( (+ classy rhinestones!)

So I think if you were to ask too choose what season I love when it comes to nail polish I would have to say fall.  When I think of fall I think of deep, rich, warm colours.  This polish is no exception.

I found this beauty in a discount bin!  At first I though "It's ok.............................LOOK AT THE PRICE...SCORE!".  When I originally bought it 1)I was just starting to get into polish so I never really looked at it. 2)Blind to it's shimmery beauty due to my naive, polish virgin eyes.  I did not see the truth!  But brothers and sisters I am here to show you the truth! The truth that is Zoya Sloan! Can I get an Amen!

Zoya Sloan is 2 coats of deep plum goodness.  Filled with some amazing pink and purple shimmer.  The formula was great.  This actually bubbled the last time I wore it.  But I'm pretty sure I used really thick coats, and didn't give it enough drying time in between.

Love this.  But I will pretty much go for anything vampy.  And to class it up a bit (Ha!) I added a single rhinestone to each finger.  A bit of bling yet not overdone.

 Why does this look berry? It's just another mystery of the universe. Plain and simple.


  1. I really like this color! I have zoya carly on now and am surprised at how much I like it. The rhinestones are so cute too!

  2. OHMG this is stunning, I alwas get weak in my knees when I see eggplant purples LOL

  3. I love this, especially with the rhinestones!!!

  4. What a great find! Gorgeous color!

  5. Oi, what a beaut! Looks great on you. :)

  6. Gorgeous color! Mine eyes have SEEN then truthah, the truth that is SLOANah!

  7. Oh this is my kind of perfect color!

  8. Holy shit. Totally had a little freak out when I saw "Sloan" in the title, because I thought you were talking about the band. BEST CANADIAN BAND EVER. True story: saw them last night, and they were amaaaazing. Freaking great performance. I'm still pretty jazzed about it. Even met Chris Murphy and got some stuff signed. Good times.

    But, uh, Zoya Sloan is nice, too. ;) Seriously, it looks pretty slick with the minimalist gemstone design. Slick!

    1. One of my best friends LOVED them back in middle and high school(and I feel like she still does). I remember she had a Simposonized drawing of them on her binders. That's how I remember them. Looking like Simpsons characters :P


    2. That's cool! It's not a bad thing to be remembered in Simpsonized form. ;)


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