Tuesday 18 September 2012

Sally Hanson's Gray Area: Y U Bubble?

Sally Hanson's Gray area is a gray cream with brown and purple undertones.  For these photos I used 2 coats.  And the formula was pretty good!

My problem with it was when I woke up the next morning it had bubbled.  You can actually kind of see it starting on the ring finger in the photos.  Now maybe it was my fault.  Maybe I layered the coats on too thick.  I'll give this polish another shot though.  It's such a pretty and chic fall colour!

I should also mention I can't stand the bottle.  You wipe off the brush, start doing your nails, and boom, an avalanche of polish that had been on the length of the brush. Longer doesn't mean better...if you know what I mean. (Get your face out of the gutter).


  1. LOL I am dying at your face outta the gutter comment. This looks gorgeous on you, bummer that it bubbled so much though!

  2. This color looks awesome with your skin tone! I love gray cremes... I don't think I have enough of them.

  3. What a flattering color for you. I love it! I have yet to wear a SHXW that didn't bubble on me. Not sure what's up with that.

    1. That stinks. This is one of the few SHXW I have and this is the only one that has bubbled :(

  4. Gorgeous, gorgeous grey. However, I cannot abide the Xtreme Wear formula. But dang. Such a great shade.

  5. Very beautiful shade!

  6. I always prefer thickness over the length... (of the brush, now you get your face out of the gutter!! Haha) beautiful color!!

  7. Aw but I like the gutter! ANd I so know what you are talking about-I hate that with long brushes!

    1. Yeah, half the time I hang out in the gutter. It's great eh? :)


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