Tuesday 7 August 2012

Studded, Purple, Holographic Goodness aka Badass Chic Nails

Oh man.  I would have posted this earlier BUT I have feeling pretty gross all day.  It was one of my best friend birthdays.  And I overindulged in happy water (And meat...we went to  Korean grill...that has nothing to do with the drinking but it was fraking good).  And sent more than a few inappropriate texts before passing out.  That was my Monday (Granted it was a holiday so I feel a little less like a sad person).

Anyways let's get our faces back on track.  Yesterday I posted swatches for Sephora by OPI's Just a Little Dangerous.  I wore it for a day like that knowing I was going to bling it out for my friends birthday the next day.  Purple is her favourite colour and I wanted to make sure it was good and dry for when I put tape on it.

I figured this would be the time I use my OPI DS Original!  Having bought it dusty hunting in Montreal (but that's another story).  Recently on Nailside I saw she did a studded mani.  Which was funny because I had had actually been thinking of doing one but using microbeads.  So after I saw that I knew I HAD to do it.

I used tape and did the v-gaps, then I covered it in a coat of clear nail polish and carefully placed the beads one by one.  Finally I sealed it in with two coats of topcoat* so the beads weren't going anywhere.

I love it!  It turned out badass chic.  Is that a term?  If not it's MINE! I'm just sort of kidding.  And this was one hard polish to capture on camera.  Let me just say even the best photo I took pales in comparison the epicness it radiated in real life.

*I have heard that using topcoat can sometime dull the effect of holos.  Let me just say that after covering the holo with a coat of clear polish AND two coats of topcoat the holo effect was just as strong.

 Without the microbeads

 Microbeads without the flash

 With flash

 Bad sunlight photo but the holo looked stunning!
Dicking around with the camera settings.  I thought this was neat!


  1. wow this is so freaking awesome!

  2. Very hot. I want to flirt with your manicure it's so hot.

  3. This.is.amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing! I may need to try this...

  4. I'm in love. definitely giving this a try

  5. The microbeads totally make this mani badass!

  6. This is so badass for sure!!! Holo and studs. I love love love it!!!!!

  7. WOW this looks great! I love how strong the holo affect is! And the studs are a nice touch! :D

    ~ Yun

  8. I'm loving all these dark manis! Glad I'm not the only one not sporting only neons this summer :)

  9. Sweet guinea pig of Winnipeg!! This is a glorious masterpiece of a manicure! Freakin' incredible. Excuse me while I wipe drool off my keyboard. Definitely my favourite manicure in recent memory!

  10. Wow! So many things to love here!


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