Thursday 9 August 2012

Essence - You Belong To Me: Pick A Colour! Any Colour!

Well I almost didn't post this.  When I was taking photos they all looked baby blue!  So I gave up.  When I was uploading a bunch of photos I was looking back at this and I realized they weren't nearly a bad.  So for your entertainment.  Here it is!

First off I hate the name.  I just hate it.  But I do like the colour.  YBTM is a light turquoise/green.  Hidden inside it is a fine shimmer.  I used 3 coats although I could have used 2.  Application was a tad goopy even after I used thinner in it. This is one of those colours that I need to be in the right mood to wear. Tomorrow I'll show you how I spiced it up! And I'll tell you why I hate what most people consider excellent weather.

Oh and check this photo out! I found it on my computer from about 3 months ago but never posted.  It's YBTM and Sinful Colors Nail Junkie on top of it.  It matched my dress to a T!

 Probably the most accurate shot as far as colour goes.

 This is how most of the photos I took looked.  leaning more towards blue.


  1. That's really really weird because when I look at my bottle I see a baby blue creme. O_o; wtf?

  2. I love it! It's a very vibrant color!

  3. Try using natural light to capture true color. Sometimes cameras hate blues, greens and purples. Camera flashes can be evil color changing devils! LOL I love the color-true color or not!

  4. I love the polish color and I super LOVE your dress!

  5. One of my favorite Essence colors, but then I haven't found an Essence I don't like! :)

  6. Hah! I almost bought this just the other day. I picked it up, I admired it, I read the name, I scowled, and I put it back on the shelf. I HATE the name. It totally ruined it for me. Just so... possessive. :P Sad, because it's such a pretty colour.


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