Wednesday 11 July 2012

NYC Haul - Polishes, and Plays, and Nunchakus, Oh My!

So this is about 2 weeks to late.  Oh well.  But I had a great time in NYC! I ate a disgusting amount of boxed yakisoba, saw some AMAZING shows, hung out with Adri from Liquor, Lube and Lipstick, drunk...a bit, karaoked, and did a bit of shopping.

I actually bought less than I thought I would.  Mainly because I knew I wouldn't have space to put in when going home.  Anyways I figured since I actually didn't buy a whole lot of stuff I would just show you guys everything I bought!

(L-R) Sinful Colors Cinderella, Espresso, Rich in Heart and Secret Admirer.  And the last three were only 49 cents!

(L-R) Milani Chocolate Sprinkles and Cyberspace

(L-R) Ruby Kisses Blue My Mind, and NYX Girls Collection Noir and Robotic.

 OPI's Here Today...Arragon Tomorrow suede
And I didn't actually buy these when I was in America but I shipped them there to my aunts place eons ago because it was cheaper than international shipping.  
(L-R) Cover Brands Sticks 'N Stones and A England's Dragon.
I also bought 2 top coats and 2 base coats.

It's funny because my goal was to get more brighter colours but I couldn't help myself.  Even though I'm starting to warm to lighter shades I just LOVE darker shades. I am also excited to swatch these.  Well as excited as one get's when photographing their hand.

Here are the non polish stuff I bought.

These are all shirts I bought at Yellow Rat Bastard!
If a shirt says 'Make it Rain' I want it.
 Shows I saw: Broadway Bares XXII: Happy Endings.  The Best Man.  And finally One Man, Two Govnors.  Which I LOVED.  As a comedienne it's right up my ally.  So I went and bought the case recording and the actual play! (Seriously if you are in NYC between now and September 9th go see it.  I saw Book of Mormon on Broadway last year and this was a thousand times better...not that Book of Mormon is Bad.  It is very funny and if you can see both do it!)
 My Doctor Who T-shirt and comic book!  I was so happy the shirt came in female sizes! :D:D:D:D:D

I bought this Bandeau of sexiness from Strawberry for $5!  I was going to wear it for pride in NYC but I couldn't be bothered the morning of.  I had had too much to drink the night before.  So I ended up wearing this and a pair of shorts to Toronto Pride!

Finally I bought a book called 'I <3 Female Orgasms'...because who doesn't???  I was actually going to post a pic of it.  But when I uploaded all my photos I realized I had forgotten to take a pic :(

Anywoo NYC was amazing and I hope to go back and visit asap!  I think every now and then when I have a short post I may post a photo and a short blurb about it.  I have many blurb worthy photos.


  1. these are awesome buys! i'm soooo sad we couldn't meet up in NY :(

    1. I'm sure we'll be back soon enough... or you can come to Toronto!(It's not that far :P)

  2. Hahhaa I love the "make it rain" shirt! I do that on the dance floor all the time :P

  3. Nice haul! And I'm loving all the cool shirts you got. I've been wanting to see the Book of Mormon, but now I'm adding One Man, Two Guvnors to the list as well!

    1. See it! Also because Book of Mormon has kind of been the HUGE musical hit of the past few years EVERYONE wants to see it. I waited in line 12 hours for standing room tickets. And like 300 people came to play the lotto. One man is waaaayyyy easier to get tickets to.

  4. I love Sally Hansen instant dry is great. Nice haul. Have a nice Sunday.


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