Tuesday 10 July 2012

Look at my children!

I actually don't have any yet. And I don't plan on concocting any in the near future.  But most of the time when I wear orange nail polish that's the first thought that pops into my head.  "Look at my children. My gaggle of children. My plethora of children.  Children everywhere!"  But that might just be me.

Annnnyyyyywwwaaayyyssss. I wanted to do something a bit brighter than my usual dark colours.  And I was having a hard time picking out a colour.  Later on I was on on Tumblr when I realized that tomorrow (well today now) was (is) Jason Orange's birthday! FYI he's in Take That.  He's my new favourite member.  Howard was usurped. That's when I remembered I had Orly's Holla mini(from the Hot Shots collection).  And I thouht "If there's ever going to be a day I wear orange, today is the day!".

I used 4 coats of this.  Granted the first was goopy and bubbled.  So I added thinner and made it too thin. I'm sure if I got it to the perfect consistency it wold be a 2 coater.  The colour isn't half bad.

So here I am sitting before you.  Orange nails.  I also jazzed it up with my new bottle of Cover Brand's Sticks N Stones*.  Which BTW was goopy as sin. But nothing thinner won't fix.  I should also mention I'm not a fan of bar glitter (looks like hair) but I do love this.  It's not overdone.

TL;DR I wore an orange mani even though I don't like orange on me.  I wore it because it was Jason Orange's birthday.  That's the only Orange I would like on me. Ba dum chhhhhhhhhhhh.

 Holla with Sticks N' Stones

 Happy Birthday Jason Orange... Did you see what I did there?

 Holla on its own.

*Well the polish that was in the bottle.  I would look stupid wearing just the bottle.


  1. black and white glitters are amazing over bright colors! this would be a fun and easy halloween look!

    1. Yup! It's times like this I wish I had a few more brighter colours. I'll probably revive this in another form for Halloween :)

  2. Replies
    1. And to think that was the clean version :P

  3. This reminds me of Halloween, which I love (it's my birthday! haha).

  4. This is such a gorgeous combo!! I wore something very similar a few days ago, but with Salt N Peppa (Lush Lacquer). Love this on you!

    1. Thank you! I think I finally found an orange I like on me. It's a shame it doesn't come in a larger bottle.

  5. I looooove Sticks N Stones over neon. Fantastic orange mani!!

  6. Your orange looks like it has a nipple! ANd didn't know you concocted children! HAHAHA!

    1. I had to read this like 3 times before I got the first part of this comment. I was like "When you say orange...what does that mean?!?!?!". Then I realized you actually meant the orange :P

    2. I thought the same thing! And the nipple looks like it has the orange polish on it...but it's probably just the lighting. Lol.

  7. Wow Sticks 'n Stones looks amazing over neon orange!

  8. I don't normally like orange or bar glitter polishes, but this kinda works. Looks like paint splatters.


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