Monday 14 May 2012

Nails Inc Kensington Topcoat Caviar - Why you make me sad?

Guuuuuuyyssss.  This topcoat makes me sad?

Short Story (yes, it has to do with this post).  So I have MAYBE 150-175 bottles of polishes.  In the real world that's a lot.  But when I comes to nail blogs that's the tip of the iceberg!!!  Anyways one of the reasons I have relatively few is because I'm VERY picky.  It's rare I ever see a polish and think "Wow, I'm just going to buy that!" I research, look at swatches, compare, stare at them for a disgusting amount of time in stores before I buy.  Which is one reason why I have few I don't like.

Now before I bought this topcoat almost year ago I did my usually research the hell out of it. And everywhere I looked people seemed to be wetting themselves over it. So when I went to America I bought 2 bottles.  Mistake.  First off the formula is THIN.  Now I don't want thick formula but I don't like water thin. Second wear time was HORRIFIC.  Everything chipped after a day or two.  No matter what I wore.  And finally it always bubbled like crazy!!!  I honestly don't understand why every one loves this.  It's like the Twilight saga.

This was my first experience with Nails Inc and I haven't touched anything by them since.  Should I give their polishes a try?

Look at that photo... I'm practically a young Annie Leibovitz.


  1. I can vouch for Nails Inc polish! They are truly amazing! Apparently, this top coat is meant to go with Nails Inc only. I'm not so sure-The first time I tried this I loved it, then the bubbles came and now I have 3 full bottles that just sit there! May need to sell those. But I swear the polish is amazing! I have over 30 bottles so far

  2. I only one nails inc. polish (magentic one) and I like it a lot. I think you should give their polishes a try.

  3. I think their actual polishes are fantastic, and I own a few (cremes, glitters, magnetic). I never tried their basecoat or topcoat though! I am content with my OPI Envy and my Seche Vite, so why fix it if it ain't broke righht?

  4. I've never been that impressed by Nails Inc. to be honest - none of the colours really jump out at me :(

  5. I love Nails Inc, probably my favourite polish brand out there. I also love Kensington Caviar haha. The stealer for me is that it has an amazing drying time. I can't comment on wear time though as it seems to matter what base/top coats I use recently EVERYTHING's definitely my nails :( You really should give them a try though!

  6. "I honestly don't understand why every one loves this. It's like the Twilight saga."

    Hahaha, I lol'd.

    I can't speak for that topcoat, never having tried it, but I DO like their polishes. So I'd say give them a try.

  7. Ha I am exactly the same way :)

    I don't like nails inc all that much. I find their drying time to be incredibly slow and they can be tricky to apply. Plus they are far too dear. I only ever bother if they come free in a magazine :P

  8. Oh no! :/ I've never tried this brand, mainly because of the price. Hopefully if you get any more from this brand, they're not like this!

  9. "I honestly don't understand why every one loves this. It's like the Twilight saga."
    I could not agree more. :)

  10. I love nails inc. polishes and the top coat as well. Never had any problems with the formula being too thin or slow dry time on the regular polishes.

    Besides, it is the only top coat I can be sure will have dried my polish enough so I won't get sheet marks in the morning (having four-year-old twin girls makes nail polishing a close-to-bedtime activity :D)

  11. And I use the top coat with other brands as well ;)

    1. Hmmmmmmmm... Then it's probably one of those just doesn't work with me and my body chemistry things :(


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