Thursday 10 May 2012

Barry M Red Black - My Nails Express My Inside Feelings!!!

Remember how a few posts ago I was talking about how I had a bad night due to being stuck in the rain amongst other things?  Well on Sunday I had a talk with that someone who may or may not have forgotten me in the rain.  I had obviously been angry.  Before I met with said person I used tape and kind of made my nails look like claws.  I mean if I couldn't actually claw his face off, I wanted to at least give the illusion I could.  Long story short though everything is all good now. We kissed and made out up.

 The silver is Wet n Wild Metallica

Now on to the swatches. Barry M Red Black is a deep blood red jelly... you can almost call it red black.  It's full of all sorts of vampy sexyness.  And what makes it even better is I'm pretty sure is an almost, if not dupe for Chanel's Rouge Noir. Who doesn't like saving money? (The Kardashians, that's who).  For this manicure I used 2 coats on most fingers but a couple needed a bit of touch up. The formula overall was great.  I love, love, love this polish!!!


  1. I love this. Glad you didn't have to claw anyone!

  2. Ohh this looks amazing...I'm loving Barry M at the moment :-)Might have to get this one at some point!

  3. Love the claws. And the Barry M. Wow.

  4. Men. Booooo. Love the mani, though. :)

  5. haha kiss and made up! great! love the claw nails! soo amazing! Barry M - so pretty!!!

  6. Holy awesome manicure! I love this... I've sometimes become enamoured with super pointy nails, but would never actually go for it myself. This is a nice compromise. It's like a masquerade party for your nails! Fun!

  7. Oh I need this red black!!! Did the claws scare some sense into said person?

  8. lol. Your nails look amazing! I love the color and I love the added Metallica!

  9. Love the metallic claws, they are so cool looking! And the Barry M is gorgeously vampy!

  10. Love the claws and I NEED THAT RED.

  11. I LOVE that Barry M! I understand wanting to claw his face, but I'm glad you made up (out). Lol!

  12. Olá querida!
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    Beijinhos ; )


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