Sunday 14 July 2013

3D Lego Nails!

Ugh As soon as clicked on the new post button, the new post page loaded and then my internet immediately cut out!  It obviously was down a few days ago when the power went our but for the past few weeks it's been finicky in general.  Anyways I hope you had a great few days.  I had a new first!  A man followed me the other day!  Luckily is was by a busy road, and when I lost him I went and hid in a store for a bit.

Now onto things that aren't creepy men!

I've been wanting to do 3D nails for a while now but wasn't sure what I wanted to do.  I knew I didn't want anything too over the top, or something that would interfere with me doing things.  So a few nights ago I was looking at The Daily Nail's site, and I came across these Lego nails.  Not only did I think they looked nifty, I thought I could do something like that but actually make it 3D.

First I painted my nails the base colour of whatever the block was going to be.  Next I placed between 2-6 pieces of KKCenterHk gold circular glitter down depending on how many bumps the block was going to have.  After that I got out some nail glue, placed a tiny bit on each piece of glitter, and stacked another piece of glitter on top of the original piece.  Then I repeated that step so each of the bumps consisted of 3 pieces of glitter.  When that was done I got out my acrylic paint and painted over just the bumps, focusing on the sides.  Following that I went over the entire nail with the acrylic paint (you may need to do this more than once if the base colour of polish is slightly different than the paint).  Finally I topped it of with a couple thin coats of top coat.

Note:  My pinky finger was done entirely with polish because I didn't have the shade of green I wanted in paint.  While you can do this entirely with polish I found it much easier with paint.  Not only that but I found the bumps were more more defined with paint.

What do you guys think of 3D nails?  Thoughts on creepy men?


  1. It looks awesome! what is not so awesome are creepy men... Good thing you got him to stop following you.

  2. Ha, that's awesome :D (I mean the nails, not creepy men o.O)

  3. Awesome idea! Crazy good manicure! :-)

  4. I'm glad you got rid of the creepy man, yuck!
    The mani is really something, I just love your imagination!!

  5. your mani came out PERFECTLY!! i love this!

  6. this is pretty looks so realistic!

  7. Lego nails are cute. Creepy men are not. Thank goodness you get away from him.

  8. Best idea ever!! Novel way to use circle glitter :D

  9. So cool! Creepy men not so much :( I usually call them on it if I feel creeped out. Drawing attention usually gets them to stay away.

  10. I hope you never see that guy again :(
    I totally love this fun mani, it made me laught out loud - very, very cool!!

    1. I hope I don't either, or creepy people in general.
      And thank you!

  11. I love these. Definitely going to give it a try. My son will go bonkers

  12. DUDE This is freakin cool as sh*t!!!!

  13. These are totally awesome! As for the creepy man, it's all too common and I'm glad you were safe and aware of your surroundings :(

  14. The nails are incredible! Where can the glitter circles be found or is there an alternative you can recommend? I have never used paint before are there any negatives?

    1. Thanks! And I'm sure you could use normal circular studs but they will look like domes rather than half cylinders. The only maybe 2 negatives I can think of are it needs topcoat. It has a chalky finish and needs to be protected and sometimes even out. You also kind of need to practice. So you know how much paint to use, how the paint will react if you do it too thick and such.

      TBH I have never done my entire nail in paint before this. It's just easier to work with for nail art. If you put a blob down on your work surface it takes forever to get tacky, but once painted on the nail dries super fast. It's also just easier to work with than polish(at least to me) and I find I use less of it than I would with polish. Not only that but a bottle generally cost a fraction of what you would pay for say an OPI.

  15. So freaking cool Kas! I'd imagine really distracting to wear, but they're hilarious! And I'm so glad you were able to escape from the creepy man.

  16. Wow, this is seriously the most amazing mani! I totally love it... it's so cool and fun! :)

    ~ Yun

  17. The result is super cool!! :)

  18. Un-freaking-believable!! This is fantastic!! :D I loved the Daily Nail's lego nails but this takes it to a whole other level. So creative! :)

  19. That is ridiculously cool! I want Lego nails!

  20. Now this is seriously TOO COOL! I Love it!

  21. I think is awesome, kudos for going out there, I'm going to try it now with my studs!

  22. These are beautiful. My boyfriend asked me to let you know that these are amazing and the best nails he has ever seen (and he has seen alot because of me) xx

  23. These are beautiful. My boyfriend asked me to let you know that these are amazing and the best nails he has ever seen (and he has seen alot because of me) xx

  24. Absolutely fantastic! I love these. How long did the dots stay on?

    1. 3 days before I decided to take them off :P

  25. This is just AH-MAZE-ING. What a superb idea!


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