Saturday, 11 October 2014

Candy Corn. The Worst Kind of Corn.

Up until last year candy corn was this mythical thing to me. I had always associated it with Halloween, but I had never really seen it before, so obviously I had never tried it before either. But last year all of that changed. My friends mother sent her a tin of candy, which included candy corn. So I knew I had to try it.

It was disgusting.

I can safely say it was one of the most vile things I have ever tried. I can only assume licking the bottom of Satan's, well worn, devil boots would be a more pleasant experience. I would even go as far as saying it's slightly worse than eating fondant off a cake.

For this I used Sinful Colors Snow Me White and Pull over, as well as China Glaze Staked to be Soaked.


  1. I love candy corn! I guess I'm weird like that.

  2. It's a cool many - and your tips makes the candy corn look edgy ;)

  3. OMG I too have always wondered what it tastes like, I always assumed it was sweet. Ugh, one day when I try it, I might agree with you, hehe

  4. I've never tried candy corn! It doesn't look that appealing but I guess it makes for great nails ;)

  5. I don't like candy corn much either, but I love the way your nails look :)

  6. Lol, I've never even seen candy corn with my own eyes, maybe I don't need to? ;) but your nails look yummy.

  7. i can't believe you only saw and tried candy corn for the first time last year!! But that stuff is NASTY! Yay for twinsie nails :)


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